Just In
for Shadowboxer

9/29 c22 42M-Angel 05
I wish you the best of luck! Congratulations on everything positive that’s occurred since we last heard from you! I’m so happy you are doing better in life! _
4/18 c22 saiton
So inspiring to see you overcome all your lows and suceeding in life. Beat wishes to you!
1/12 c22 marigold123
I hope you have success in the published world. You’re a talented writer. Good luck!
12/23/2023 c21 2loveybunnies
Best of luck, Eileen! You should write your story, it sounds like it might be really inspirational to others who are struggling!
12/8/2023 c1 annieb1996
Congratulations! I remember reading this story when it first came out and absolutely falling in love with it! Its now one of my faves and i come back every now and then to re-read it. Ive tried searching, but cannot find it. Are you abel to send the link through for the wattpad version?
11/24/2023 c2 8jryu0620
This has always been one of my favorites. I read it every holiday season. So sad I can’t continue my tradition this year but excited to see where you take it ️
10/9/2023 c1 Guest
can you give us the link wattpad
10/3/2023 c1 2TNEfanatic
I cannot find this story on Wattpad. I have searched and searched. Sad I cannot read it again. Absolutely loved it!
9/1/2023 c2 L Christine
I have never heard of Wattpad but I have now downloaded it and added this story. It was one of my absolute favorites on here so I’m positive I will love the new version as well. So excited.
8/14/2023 c22 anglictash
Seriously after I wasted my time to read this and I'm so interested in it you pull it. Urgg
8/13/2023 c2 PreciousJuls
Loving the story I am so glad I found it.
8/11/2023 c22 Ajfflady
I know I read this probably a decade ago. Parts stood out other details forgotten Im so thrilled I read it again. I am also beyond excited that you continue to publish. Congratulations, this story is beautiful, such a possessive Edward, I love it. Best Wishes.
8/8/2023 c22 Thirlestane
Go you!
I remember reading this as it came out, and being so excited when a chapter dropped.
I'm so glad you coming back to your writing. You have a real storytelling talent.
Much love and best wishes. Xx T
8/6/2023 c6 MadMooey18
Now that right there was a fantastic chapter. From beginning to end it was one O after another O and more O’s where that O came from. I love this story. I don’t know what his deal is but he’s trying to come to understand why or what makes him do the things he does. I know that Bellabee will be right there beside him. I hope.
8/6/2023 c22 rjh1960
Congrats to you. I read this story so many years ago. Loved it. So glad to hear that you have overcome so much and are doing so well now. You are an inspiration to all!
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