Just In
for Don't You Understand?

6/24/2009 c1 aliasjems
This is lovely. The BB scene when he talks about there being "someone for everyone" is one of my all time fave BB moments so I love that you posted a tag scene for the episode.

I loved the pattern of speech between them, especially how broken up it became in parts when she ran out and when she cried and then Booth closed off.

The way they finally came to an understanding was wonderful and I adored the ending - Brennan realising she is loved. :)

Thanks for posting.
4/22/2009 c1 8Vadergirl52
Awesome. Phenomenal. Spot on. You are one of the few people who can really get into Brennan's head and do it in character. Keep have a talent!
4/21/2009 c1 15Laura Dugan
This is so great, especially now, after the "which one" episode as I have come to call it. (Which one knows they're in love and hides it... we've been fighting about this for days.) Anyway, this gave me a lot to think about and was so startlingly in character I really need to make sure my "cathartic moment" can even compare whenever I get around to finishing "So Close".
4/4/2009 c1
I loved the ending of Man in the Outhouse and felt unfinished to me in a way.

So...I love this tag to that ep because this is what I definitely would have liked to have seen happen.

"Use ‘em and lose ‘em right Bones?"

Sure, that was kind of harsh of Booth to say that, but it was also so true. Let's hope that by the time she and Booth really get together she's overcome this outlook.

And the end was so sweet! Great fic!
3/14/2009 c1 7Talise Lovela
Aww... Loved the ending. Nice and mushy- I'm in one of my mushy moods right now. You are really good at this- most of your stuff doesn't sound at all like most fluff.
3/13/2009 c1 Nattilie
very different from your other work but it was really great! LOVED IT!
3/10/2009 c1 29susanatc
Nice story.

I do hope the writers can figure things out between these two.

3/8/2009 c1 Boneyo
Glad to know that your back :D

Awesome story! Loved every single bit! The amount of angst was perfect with the perfect ending! Love all your stories and this was just as great!

If only this was the way the actual episode ended!
3/8/2009 c1 mumrulz
Just as well that I know that your fics will end up B&B at the end, coz, as I am sure that you are aware by now, I do NOT like when I see 'angst' listed in the genre, I usually give it a wide berth...but, having said that, you haven't let me down yet. Good to have you back. :-)

**I just couldn't understand how Brennan could not comprehend what she was doing and why it was wrong

...believe me, you are not the only one! The 'dating 2 guys at the same time' definately is not at the top of my favourite storylines much for her wanting & understanding Booth's 'making love'. I wasn't happy with the way that Brennan was portrayed during this irked me that she felt rejected...maybe she should have looked at it from Jason & Mark's POVs...both of them now knowing that they weren't enough for her, would never be enough - to have her full self & attention.

I liked the way that you compared the fleeting feeling of rejection - how insignificant it was - to the way that she had felt when she thought that Booth was dead...(they couldn't really compare!)...& why she never wanted to give someone the power to make her feel that way again...she wanted to protect herself.

Was it wrong of me to feel a tad bit satisfied that Brennan actually felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of Booth being with someone else :-) although it was only a small measure of payback for the way that Booth must have felt when he first walked into her apartment.

**Booth’s head snapped up in surprise. She knew he was still caught off guard by how well she could read him.

...Booth has quite often admitted & proven how well he does know Brennan. I like to think that over the years Brennan has also picked up a bit of kowledge about Booth & his nuances as well, & I like it when she is able to 'read' him, knowing when something is wrong & then being able to make the connection of his feelings to what had happened between her & Mark.

**“Why would I be jealous Bones? It’s not like you ever keep any of those losers around. Use ‘em and lose ‘em right Bones?” he bit out.

...I think that it would take something like this cutting remark from Booth, in order for her to look past what she consider to be a perfectly rational idea. It made her realize how selfish she had been, not taking others feelings into account - understanding that in the process of trying to keep herself from being hurt, she was ultimately hurting others.

I really liked the way that you used this storyline (thankfully after the fact/deed, that way we didn't have to picture it again LOL) set up the scene for Brennan to realize a few home truths, forced them to look at their own feelings, identify said feelings & then to admit to them.

I was so caught up in the way that Booth must have been feeling & mentally censuring Brennan's behaviour...& then you turned me around

**you are clearly don’t want to be with me, that the idea of a relationship with me is so odious to you. You have feelings for me and still would rather deal with them then admit that maybe….” had me feeling for Brennan, tearing up for her & all her misconceived ideas. It broke my heart how little she thinks of herself - where relationships are concerned.. ;-(

**“Do what Bones?” Confusion etched on his handsome features.

“Tease me, look at me the way you do, watch me, tell me that there’s one person out there for me and then get in my way when I try to find that someone?”

...loved that she finally called him on it! It is so true...the mixed signals that he gives - the looks, the speeches, the jealousy putting the line in place, always pulling back, never taking that finalo wonder she is so confused.

I enjoyed your continuation of events...the way that you explained Brennan's actions - which was typically never done in the show - why she does what she does...did what she did. Loved the way that she sorted through her thoughts, her feelings - in her logical, rational way & equated them with Booth's actions & came to the conclusions that he must feel the saqme...that he was in love with her - nicely done! I just wish that she had of been able to say those words back to him...he deserved to hear them .

Another lovely B&B fic from you.:-):-):-)
3/8/2009 c1 19Rose Aarac
Love it! Beautifully written!
3/8/2009 c1 2Dardanelle
Happy to see you're back :) I've always enjoyed your stories but what I find the most impressive is how your writing is continuously developing and is getting better and better. It's a great idea for a post-ep and I love what you do with it and how you pick up details from the episode and build on them. Brennan may see things slightly differently from most people and be very rational, but she is still human, you succeed in getting that across in this fic. This is very insightful.

I love how it's Brennan reading Booth instead of the other way around, it's rare:

“What’s wrong Booth?” [...]

Booth’s head snapped up in surprise. She knew he was still caught off guard by how well she could read him.

“Nothing’s wrong Bones,” he murmured, stirring his spoon in his coffee.

“Then stop being so obvious.”

It feels realistic how you don't make Booth say the right things all the time: **“Why would I be jealous Bones? It’s not like you ever keep any of those losers around. Use ‘em and lose ‘em right Bones?” he bit out. And **“I never intended for you to find out. I would have dealt with it.”

Great thing about writing ff is that you write when you can find the time and you never need to apologize for putting RL first. Thank you for sharing this wonderful oneshot :)
3/8/2009 c1 9UnityInDiversity
Beautiful! And very in-character. Great job!
3/8/2009 c1 5Pha1ange5
Your story was absolutely beautiful. I love how you forced them to confront their feelings head-on in a very believable way. I only wish they would put a scene like this in the show one day. :)
3/8/2009 c1 28Starlite1
Great job!
3/7/2009 c1 fishyfin1
I had been wondering where you were, but its totally understandable. I've been ignoring my fics too... for the same reasons as you:(

But... about this fic... definitely a change from your usual fluff. Alot more serious and angsty, and I loved the emotions you conveyed. The dialogue was a bit iffy for me, but your style and diction still remain excellent! Loved the ending - as always and so looking forward to more!
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