Just In
for The Dark Knight

4/28/2017 c22 ShadowDragon2112
loving this story. great job.
4/15/2017 c22 PhillyGirl27
Second time through this amazing story and a new chapter found as a reward! One of the best and most creative fanfics that I have read! I love your Ric and all the guys from totally different angles. Toni is a stellar OC and perfect with Lester. And your Steph is VERY well done. Thanks for this tale, and for coming back as RL allows to give us such a tasty treat! Yum! -Kathy
4/5/2017 c22 Hazy101
Just stumbled upon this story and it's amazing. So happy to see you recently updated so I know there's a good chance you'll finish. Great writing. Thanks for sharing.
3/30/2017 c22 melyons
Okay. Fingers crossed the muse will stick around. This story is ab fab.
3/30/2017 c21 melyons
Okay, these folks I like. Except Sophia the rat.
3/30/2017 c18 melyons
Glad Toni's okay and Tank is not murderously stupid, like his men.
3/30/2017 c17 melyons
Okay so Tank's boys are stupid bas*rds too. This is one wicked Plumverse.
3/30/2017 c7 melyons
Still don't like Lester or Bobby. But Ranger is cute.
3/30/2017 c5 melyons
I love this! You have done a great job of manipulating canon into your story.
3/29/2017 c4 melyons
Your Stephanie is delightful. As is Blackhawk. Good for them charging her for her missteps.
3/29/2017 c1 melyons
This Bobby and Lester are a waste of oxygen.
3/26/2017 c22 Sharon
Good to see you haven't given up on this one, babe.

Excellent chapter (and a nice twist!).

Thanks for the update!
3/25/2017 c22 chicki'62
ah Cat!
loved it!
great to see your writings,
so happy i clicked on and found update
what a twist,
i love twists!
or is that twizzlers...mmm...
3/24/2017 c22 Lee
I was so thrilled to see this update. I love this story and am very happy you're continuing it.
Thank you for sharing your time and talent. I'm excited to see where the story goes from here.
3/24/2017 c22 Guest
You came back!
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