Just In
for Maybe he'd still love me

4/8/2009 c1 16Sans Fire
KYAA! HIGH FIVE! I'm pregnant too! it's great, isnt it? I love being pregnant...besides the vomiting, and the aches and pains, and the horrific cravings that you only thought were real in fanfictions...-_-" Anyhuu! i'm 5 months along now, and I'm like a frickin house!

I haven't found another person who is pregnant in all of , XD

Anyway, be prepared for some weird cravings (if u haven't got them already!)


(love your story, hate Sasuke-\/\/anker. And sakura can go die.)
3/23/2009 c1 3Roquette
oh, this was a sweetly painful story. i think you could add more to it. maybe a infertile Sakura bitch?*hint hint*

i love it! *adds to faves*
3/21/2009 c1 3rainbowfreak
aw this was so pretty !

i'd like to read more mpreg from you. :'3

naruto in this story was so perfect. thanks. okay. I'M SORRY THIS REVIEW SUCKS, but it's like twenty to four in the morning, so i'm not in my brightest. XD
3/11/2009 c1 46LovelySinner7
aW THE BABY SOUNDS SOO CUTE^^ Sasu... You bastard! How could leave naruto? Loved it...
3/8/2009 c1 2SakaAki
Sob...Sob.. I feel bad for Naru-chan... but Sasuke is really a bastard, what'd you expect from him Naru?

I think that is the nice way for ending your beautiful little fic, I don't know when I read it it just feel so right. It's not over seasoned like other fic when Sasu-teme leave Naru-chan for Sak-whore-a.

P.S. For your baby name I would like suggest a name, but I think It'll be better if you named your baby by yourself...

no offense.
3/8/2009 c1 lifehappens
ah so sad...i feel so bad for the baby HOW COULD SASUKE DO THATT? and sakura? egad. but yeah i liked the fic though i wonder what that says about me lol

and CONGRATULATIONS! a baby! im so excited for you and i dont even know you woot! lol but yeah

gee theres so many names i like/ think are cool so idk what kinda names are you looking for though? like japanese names or names that someone who speaks english can pronounce? lol
3/8/2009 c1 bookworm51485
I would love to see a continuation to this story, I'd really thought it was a beginning to a story until I looked at the top and saw that it said complete. It would be nice to see a good GaaNaru story where Naruto stays with Gaara after Sasuke betrays him. The only story similar I read drove me nuts because Sasuke screws Naruto over, Naruto moves on with Gaara but then proceeds to cheat on him and dump him for Sasuke. And that especially drives me nuts because I hate Sasuke's character. But I think you're story encompassed his personality well, truly selfish. I really would love to see a continuation of this story, so if you can be convinced... :-D

Anyways, congratulations. Don't really have any name suggestions for you, just keep it normal. Don't name you're child something like Moxie Crimefighter or Pilot Inspektor or any one of a number of other horrible names (was reading an article on horrible celeb baby names yesterday), you're child will thank you :-D
3/7/2009 c1 angelbaby82
sniffle sniffle it was so sad but so good at the same time. And I've always like Olivia Marie, Cassandra Jean (Cassy) Isabella rose(Bella)or Lilly ? for a girl and Conner James, Antonio Reid (Tony)for a boy can you tell I wanna have a little girl lol
3/7/2009 c1 Hypergirl321
That is really sad but beatiuful in a way. And how bout:

Fineen it means little fair one

Caine it means son of the fighter

yeah in baby mood too but its because of my sister she had a scare...dang her
3/7/2009 c1 gigi
Hi there! Congrats to you on your little bundle! I seriously liked this story but was sad because it was only a one shot. It sounded like a start to a new multi-chapter story. (wink, wink!) Hmm, name suggestions... I personally like strong first names and then a middle name to balance out the first. Dunno, thats just me. Anywho, thank you for sharing, hope you consider this to be a multi-chapter. Sounds (reads) awesome!
3/7/2009 c1 EternalBlueRainbow
this didnt seem like a oneshot

it would be very good as a beginning to a story thouhg

you should make it a story!

and congrats on the baby :)
3/7/2009 c1 blueberry
It would be cool if there was a sequel where Naruto & baby is happy with Gaara,but Sasu still wants Naru,but Nau rejects him.I hate Sakura in this,if she'd get k.i.a i'd be happy.^_^
3/7/2009 c1 Crazy Barks
Er, for the baby names, for a boy I've always liked Chester, and for girls either Ophelia or Sophelia.
3/7/2009 c1 only4you
woah...hormones really getting to you huh? Can i request something? can you write an actual story like this, you know like sasuke gets naru preggers but doesnt realize it until after he is forced to marry sakura, BUT the twist will be that the main pairing will be gaaranaruto...hmm is this asking to much? im sorry if it is but i just love your writing style its very refreshing, theres alot of emotion in your work, thanks.
3/7/2009 c1 34My Crushed Candy Heart
boy names aren't my forte so i'll only give one:Dominic

now for the girl names:Confidant,Amberlynn,Jayla,Kristiana,Sarabelle

i could think of more, but i'll stop there

also, this was super sad, but also sweet, i really liked it
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