Just In
for Three Under Par

3/21/2009 c2 1angry penguin
I definitely love it. Nancy and Ned broke up two months before, and Frank and Callie only three days before is quite intriguing.
3/21/2009 c1 angry penguin
Awesome. This is just like a Super Mysteries books. Nicely done.

Poor Frank. He hasen`t had much time to mope has he? :)
3/19/2009 c3 sapphiretwin369
Lol. I want Frank and Joe to see more of Nancy's girly side. :) Nice chapter! Can't wait for another update.

I've reviewed! *looks hopeful to get a hint* :D
3/19/2009 c3 Shani8
Another awesome chapter. Can't wait for the next installment and hope you post it soon. :)
3/19/2009 c3 Dayssoapfan1984
Another great chapter.

Like Nancy and Bess, I think Nick and Madison are a cute couple.

Can't wait till the next update.
3/19/2009 c3 8DesertVixen
Interesting. I would have to suspect either Madison or the guy stalking her.

3/19/2009 c3 83Lady Emily
Aww- I like Nick and Madison already... hopefully neither of them is involved in anything shady; you never know with a SM. The welcome emergence of Nancy's "girly side" was cute too. The way you write the interactions of the detectives is great. Nancy and Bess, Frank and Joe, Frank and Nancy (aww)... You've really got these relationships nailed. Can't wait for more!
3/18/2009 c3 19niver
Nice background chapter. I have to ask, where are you getting half of these last names? They're very cool.
3/18/2009 c2 niver
I love the classic supermystery format you've taken on for this! It's so . . . classic. xD But seriously, I love it!

I like how Joe thinks of Nancy as a little sister. Even though she is older . . . I'm pretty sure Joe considers Frank enough in the way of older siblings. He doesn't need more!

Like the case by the way. Just as classic as the style of them meeting. Threats? Vague threats? This will be wsy awesome.

I'm super psyched for more of this story!
3/17/2009 c2 83Lady Emily
Really adorable. You write the characters so well! And this is really classic Supermystery so far- the chance meeting where nobody is really surprised, the slightly-longer-than-necessary hug, the discovery of a new talent of Nancy's that has never been mentioned before... lol. I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait for the next chapter!
3/16/2009 c2 Shani8
This story is coming along nicely. Can't wait to see where you go with the mystery and also the N/F stuff. Hope to see more soon! Happy writing. :)
3/14/2009 c2 sapphiretwin369
Lol. I like Frank and Joe's reactions to finding out she was there for the tournament. You mentioned Egypt. That's Secrets of the Nile, right? I have been wanting to read that book for forever!

Can't wait to read more! I want to know what happens between Nancy and Frank. I mean, yeah it has been 2 months for Nancy, but it's been only days for Frank. Hope you update soon!

The golf thing really isn't far-fetched for Nancy btw. In the Mystery Series #15 The Haunted Bridge, Nancy is actually in a golf tournament.
3/14/2009 c1 sapphiretwin369
Well you've got my interest already. I want to see Nancy and Bess' reaction and I want to know more about the mystery too.

One thing though, don't the Hardy Boys live in New York? I've never actually read a Hardy Boys book, just the Supermysteries so I don't really know, but I was just wondering. Because if they do, then the time difference is actually 3 hours not 2. Not like that really matters though. Just thought I'd point it out.

Good beginning. On to chapter 2...
3/14/2009 c2 8DesertVixen
Joe laughed. “Nancy, Nancy, Nancy,” He patted her back and shook his head. “Insecurity doesn’t look good on you,” he grinned. Bess mumbled something under her breath that Joe couldn’t make out. He caught her eye and gave her a questioning look, but she shook her head and looked away.

Ah Joe. He can always be counted on to lighten the moment.

“What was that you said earlier?” he asked quietly, not wanting his brother and Nancy to overhear.

Bess looked confused for a moment before understanding flashed across her face. She sighed and leaned in closer to Joe, not really wanting her best friend to hear her.“Insecurity is what a bad breakup can do to even the most confident girls,” she said quietly, giving Joe a 'you know who I'm talking about' look before turning on her heel and catching up to Frank and Nancy, who hadn’t yet noticed their absence.

Joe stood alone in the doorway for a moment longer, his mind digesting the new information before joining his friends once again. So Ned was out of the picture, huh? This was definitely going to be an interesting case.

And he and Bess do run on the same tracks sometime. I like the setup, and the sporting tournament makes a good place to set a mystery.

Looking forward to more! DV
3/14/2009 c2 Dayssoapfan1984
I love the how this story is taking on the "super mystery" style. I was a huge Nancy Drew fan,then, I read one of the super mysteries when I was younger and just loved the way Frank, Nancy and Joe would tease each other.

If you have ever read any of the original Nancy Drew mysteries then you would know she is an avid golfer.

Can't wait till the next update.
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