Just In
for Three Under Par

3/12/2009 c1 Shani8
Terrific opening. I can't wait to see where you got with all of this. :)
3/11/2009 c1 4IrishShamrock86
This is really good so far! Keep it up!
3/11/2009 c1 83Lady Emily
Fantastic start. This reads just like a supermystery- the boys on a case, Nancy just happening to be participating in a golf tournament (of all things!)... but of course there's the exciting angle of Frank's brand new breakup as well... And can I just say I really like your title?

Anyway, really good, well-written start. Can't wait to read more!
3/11/2009 c1 Dayssoapfan1984
Great opening. I liked how Bess is the fashion conscious caddy on the golf course.

Can't wait to the next update.
3/11/2009 c1 Anon
Great plot so far! I look forward to see where you're going with this! Please update soon!
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