Just In
for Three Under Par

2/24/2013 c16 Cecilia Haunt
that was a great story! but i have to say that i did guess it was jake lol
11/3/2012 c16 Guest
So, did Nancy win the women's golf tournament?
9/3/2012 c16 2EmlynMara
Enjoyable story. Liked the golf backdrop.
9/3/2012 c7 EmlynMara
I thought the ringtone scene was great. And she's on speed dial...
12/4/2011 c16 ANONAMAS
11/10/2010 c16 24KennaC
This was a well-written story with a great mystery. I also enjoyed the Frank/Nancy fluff ;) Great job!

And never apologize for how you've written a story . . . if someone doesn't like it they can write their own story their way. It's a tough lesson to learn, I know.

Personally, I liked that Nancy saved herself - - - though really, it was rather silly of her to go alone in the first place, but then that's just so - well, Nancy ;)

Again, great job!
9/1/2010 c1 kk
7/29/2010 c16 30Agent Striker
good ending!

r u going to have a sequel?
7/12/2010 c2 Agent Striker
ooooo cliffie!
7/2/2010 c1 Agent Striker
ohhh, good ch! i really like ur writing's just like the books!
6/21/2010 c16 WakandaKnights
2/4/2010 c16 15Vee22
Hi! I'm still relatively new to the Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew fandom (despite being a fan of the books from way back) and I just stumbled upon this story.

And even though it's such a long time after you finished writing it, I still felt I should review and let you know how much I enjoyed it. =)

You did a fantastic job of keeping me guessing at the identity the bad guy and of portraying Nancy, Frank and Joe too.

The stand-out part for me, had to be Nancy's "Girlfriend" ringtone for Frank. LOL! I do know the song, but I've never realised how perfect the lyrics are! =)

Hope you'll write another Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew story sometime. I'll be sure to read it!
12/27/2009 c16 4A.Deep.Life
Just wanted to say I LOVED this story! It had the best of all worlds when it comes to HB/ND fanfics - well-written, funny, engaging, and romantic. Nick and Madison (and Nancy and Frank, of course ;) made me squeal like a fangirl, and the scene with Bess and Nancy's ringtone had me literally laughing out loud in front of my computer. I also really appreciated the fact that all of the characters in your story were interesting and had a little bit of depth to them.

You kept everyone very in-character, and I actually appreciated you not making Frank the savior of the day (although I must admit that my inner teenage girl was hoping for a sappy rescue scene). Realistically, though, Nancy really IS capable of taking care of herself and too many fanfics go out of character by reducing her to a powerless damsel in distress who needs to be saved.
10/4/2009 c4 nancy
i m glad you made ned the bad guy i hate him i like frank so much more franks sexy and has abs
7/22/2009 c16 8DesertVixen
Finally finished the story (me reading it, that is!) and I like it.

Personally, I like that Frank doesn't get to charge to the rescue, and that Nancy gets to mostly save herself.

Also good on the body language giving Jake away.

Great story!

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