Just In
for Three Under Par

5/19/2009 c15 Dayssoapfan1984
Great update.

I'm glad Bess told Frank and Joe about Nancy, now, the rescuing can begin.

Update soon.
5/19/2009 c15 5Grey Fool
Isn't an author supposed to leave the other character hanging for a chapter then come back to them? Great job.
5/18/2009 c15 Debbie
That's okay - I enjoy the boys more than Nancy anyway.
5/18/2009 c15 missxsteph
Yay! I'm so happy you updated.

Alright another great chapter. I new Frank wouldn't like Nancy going off by herself.

Poor Bess just sitting and waiting for Nancy to appear from the shed, but sadly she hasn't yet.

I can't wait for the next chapter. =)
5/16/2009 c14 19niver
Sorry I haven't been reviewing! Lately, all I've done while online is watch Supernatural.

Loved the chapters! Ooh, I bet it's his best friend so much.

Nancy, why would you leave your cell with Bess? Why? Doesn't she have her own! You deserved to get smacked.

Great chapters!
5/14/2009 c14 Dayssoapfan1984
That was too short, but, great update.

Glad Nancy found Madison. Just had a terrible thought, what, if Madison is involved with the trouble Nick is having?

Update real quick.
5/11/2009 c14 sapphiretwin369
I was so glad she found Madison! But then you had to go and knock out Nancy! Very evil cliffy. Hope you update soon! And the engagement ring is very beautiful! Sometime simple is the prettiest.
5/11/2009 c14 missxsteph
Yay! I'm so happy you updated =)

Nice cliffie. Of course Nancy ended up getting captured. Thankfully Bess has been through all of this like a million times and the Hardys aren't too far away. Frank probably won't be too happy that Bess let Nancy go in there by herself.

Update again soon!
5/11/2009 c14 83Lady Emily
Come on Nancy- you should know it's never that easy! At least Bess knows where you are... maybe she and the boys will find you in time. Props to Madison for willing to risk losing that beautiful engagement ring on the off-chance that someone would see it... Desperate times, I guess. Interesting how Stevan nailed his first guess as to where Madison might be, but I can't tell whether it makes me suspect him more or less! Anyway, this is a pretty serious cliffie, so update again soon!
5/11/2009 c14 5Grey Fool
Frank is going to go beserk when he finds out that Nancy is missing. Great job and keep up the good work.
5/10/2009 c13 anonymous
hey, i really like this story, you are a good mystery writer & you can write real good fluff. please update quickly.

p.s. i think its jake cause when in the diner that time somebody asked him if his car was alright after it broke down like the day it happened and he was like 'what are you talking about', either way though his character is just really suspicious. thats just my thoughts anyway!
5/9/2009 c13 tia
Yours story is going really great.i love the story line.when is the next chapter going to be updated?
5/8/2009 c13 Dayssoapfan1984
Another great chapter.

Can't wait till next update.
5/8/2009 c13 hannah
u rock tht totally was awesome u r like the original Carolyn Keene
5/8/2009 c13 Grey Fool
I don't think this chapter was a little slow. In reality, I wanted to bonk you on the head because you ended with a little cliff hanger.

Please post soon.
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