Just In
for There's a Truth in Your Eyes

2/8/2013 c1 the dud pistachio
I adored this! Lovely, lovely one-shot! Thank you for the fantastic read :)
8/18/2010 c1 10The-Passionate-Sun
It was a cute story!

also, is the title a reference to the song 'When You Say Nothing At All' ?
5/12/2009 c1 crazeeria
i loved that! so cutte
4/28/2009 c1 sarah
sweet story aren't they cute together!
4/15/2009 c1 9Scriptor of Lacuna
After a self imposed hiatus from Fanfics in general, I knew that the first stories I had to catch up on were yours! It is so nice to read your fanfics again, and this one was no less amazing. Fav part was...nope no fav part...all of it was my fav. Great job! Cheers.
3/28/2009 c1 4LeahElizabeth
I wasn't a fan of this particular episode but I really liked this story. Good work :)
3/26/2009 c1 16Angeldream05
Oh I missed this one-shot! Is awesome!

very very cute and sweet *_* I totally love these fluffy fics!

Great job!
3/23/2009 c1 10Gryphin
Leah -

Oh my gosh how did I miss this? I LOVED it! You went EXACTLY where I was hoping that you were going. If only, right? *sigh* Thank goodness we have fanfic. I thought this was wonderful, and I had butterflies the whole time I was reading it. Fantastic job! Now I have to see if there is anything else you have written that I've missed!

3/18/2009 c1 2Dardanelle
Fluff or not, if you write I'll read.

This is a great episode-tag on and what an excellent idea to build on Sweets' 'facial expression tutorial'. You capture them so well in the dialogue, for example:

“Spit it out Bones,” he said and, anticipating her next remark, hurried to amend his request “Just tell me what’s bothering you.”

I could picture Booth saying:

“Why did you ask Sweets to teach you? Why didn’t you just come to me?”

He's probably a bit hurt by that.

Brennan's reply to Booth's protest that he doesn't tease her is so much her, I could hear her voice as I read:

“I don’t tease you,” he protested.

“You do. You continually make fun of my inability to understand popular culture and you make allusions that I’m not equipped to comprehend,”

How like Brennan to think reading people is just about learning a technique. This is a subject that clearly illustrates their personalities and your fic picks up on that beautifully.
3/18/2009 c1 7ajennings822
Oh.My.Gosh! That was awesome! I loved it. Loved how you captured them both to a tee. I could see this play're really good!
3/17/2009 c1 107DNAisUnique
I'm an avid bowler, so any reference to it makes me smile.

I love Sweets. And I can see Brennan telling Booth about Sweets' faces.

Why *didn't* Brennan go to Booth? Excellent question.

I like that Booth admitted to 'stepping back' and that he used the 'It's-only-logical' excuse to answer Brennan.

Aw, I'm sure neither one of them will mind spending more time together. :)

"I knew you were good." *happy sigh* Perfect ending. It's really good to have you back in Bones-land.

3/17/2009 c1 10Sarah9488
Haha, Leah. I was totally reminded of her kneeing next to the dying Booth. But maybe it's just Emily's voice combined with the "C'mon Booth" as well as the horrible knowledge that we have to wait another long week for the new episode.

But nice to know someone else noticed.

Cute story. Liked Brennan's last sentence.
3/16/2009 c1 19Rose Aarac
Gotta love the love. Great job!
3/16/2009 c1 10KJFlygirl87
Great job! I loved how Brennan discussed Booth's face at the end - he totally has this look on his face when he's with her. I loved it!
3/15/2009 c1 5DoveFeathersAndSnowFlurries
Loved it hun! amazing!
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