Just In
for Princess Bride

1/11/2017 c3 Kaname Kuran
I want to know the rest
1/7/2012 c3 2Green Rider Girl
This is a really good story, please continue.

7/30/2010 c3 AzianCutieMiyan
GREAT STORY! i cannot wait to see what happens next :)
12/2/2009 c3 Otakugal did yuuki escape from her home? and how did she became a human?

update soon!
11/18/2009 c3 4Peachie-Trishie
Kaname hurry up and to Yuuki-chann! =]
11/17/2009 c3 15iloveme5895
cant wait 4 more i love it so far

11/9/2009 c2 Evil Devil
Come on please update soon!I really really really REALLY want to see the next chapter.
6/13/2009 c2 4Peachie-Trishie
Awe.,,Poor Yuuki..Well the summary and the story so far is interesting hope to read more!
5/16/2009 c2 15iloveme5895
its kool so far

5/14/2009 c2 6Ashlyn Darke
Love it!

My favorite part was when Kaname got jealous of Akastuki!

5/13/2009 c2 3niq31
how sad. ii added this to my faves!
5/9/2009 c2 1MyDarkHeart
Is there another chapter? This one is really good. But it was a bit confusing in the begining. Luv the way u put in a line from twilight (I luv TWILIGHT)! When is the next chapter? Can't wait keep writing!

Love and be loved for all eternity...

4/28/2009 c2 sagittariusleo
I wanna know more.Plz update soon.
4/27/2009 c2 KuranPrincess
Weird! But I think you must tell me first. If Kira(aka Yuuki)knows she is Yuuki.. Does Yuuki transform herself into a human?
4/12/2009 c1 3niq31
its just liek a summary..

oh yeah. its a kxY ryt? then i hope in the end dont make the other guy, zero a fifth wheel. coz' thats sad. hope he'll still be happy in the end.

upload soon.

i think this will be interesting.
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