Just In
for Hochstetter's Fate

7/20/2021 c1 6Frau Wilhelm Klink
I liked this. Hochstetter got exactly what he deserved in the end.
1/9/2016 c1 22Dash O'Pepper
We all get the Hells we deserve, and Wolfgang Hochstetter certainly deserved his.

This was a very good story overall, though a bit bittersweet in what happened to Hogan and the rest of the Stalag.
7/23/2014 c1 Guest
Hogan's men had a supply of weapons in their underground complex. The Gestapo could not have taken Hogan as he and his men could easily have escaped through the tunnels. A large contingent of Gestapo would not have been available for such a raid as all available men and boys were needed to defend Berlin.
A smart man like Hogan would have seen this coming a mile away. A nice try though.
2/24/2012 c1 9mmwaveprincess
My favorite is that the stalag 13 guys(i.e. the heroes) were borrowed from Heaven to go stop the bad people from escaping hell. Hahhaha talk about working in the afterlife! Still glad to see they made it. I guess Hochstetter's not so tough now's he in hell huh. Pity that he couldn't repent.
10/10/2011 c1 Wrangler 2
A very good story and nicely written. I do believe that Hochstetter got what he deserved.

Good job for a first attempt.
10/2/2011 c1 2JannaKalderash
He certainly got his!

Wait a minute! He's not on the menu is he? That would be committing a triple murder!

Murder of the appetite, palate and digestion namely.

Sure, he deserves to roast, fry, rot, stew, broil, barbecue, and bake for eternity.

But none of the denizens deserves to have to EAT him!

They're already in Hell, serving out whatever punishments they all got sentenced to.

I always loved Hogan's Heroes, from the time it was in reruns back in the 70's, and I was heartbroken when I heard that Bob Crane had been murdered.

Hochstetter always struck me as being a mean, nasty jumped up school bully, in dire need of a kick to the nether regions.

I'm glad he got what he deserved.
12/23/2010 c1 182Susan M. M
Very nicely done! I read and enjoyed your bits in Fanfic Court, so I had to come check out your story. I especially liked the judge refusing to make the traditional request for mercy on Hochstetter's soul, and instead, hoping he rotted in Hell. This is very in-character; I could easily see Hochstetter doing what he did to Hogan and the others.
1/1/2010 c1 1Chandlia
Nice twist there at the end! Is English a second language for you? Because if it is, and you are writing in it, then my hat is completely off to you! Grammar, punctuation and sentence structure is a little odd in some places; but nothing that totally takes away from the absolute vision you created of the devil contracting the Heroes to escape-proof Hell for Hochstetter and his cohorts!

My advice would be to get a dedicated beta reader or two (my favorite fanfic author has nine) and keep on writing! I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it really is neat to see some supernatural HH fanfic.

Looking forward to your next piece!
7/8/2009 c1 Doc Reid
An enjoyable read! Hogan's Heroes was a great show. Thanks for your chapter.
6/27/2009 c1 170hippiechick2112
i'm sorry for not getting to your story sooner, but when i finally did today, i was surprised. i didn't imagine hochstetter dying like that. i also didn't expect him going to trial, but, then again, you should have figured, seeing as how he was gestapo. i loved the story, especially the end, but was saddened by the deaths of the characters. it's a different ending to them. other than being a little confused on the conversations, it was a good job, so keep going! maybe later you can elaborate on the deaths of the characters...? =)
5/31/2009 c1 24GaiaAviva
Awesome story. It was appropriately comical. Hochstetter in hell, Hogan and the gang having to prevent him and all the other Nazis from escaping. Loved it. Keep up the good work.
4/30/2009 c1 49dart53
Good thought provoking start and if though it was a hard end for beloved characters there was the shows signature twist of humor at the end.

First time out! Good job.

4/24/2009 c1 5callih
Let me preference this by saying, it was not the hogan of my youth..but as a story that stands on it's own, a very powerful, thought provoking chapter.

Hogan was Hogan which made me smile. It was a difficult thing to do, having learned the fates of my wonderful group of POWs..not to mention Klink and Sgt. Shultz!

I am researching a story on the Manhattan Project. It deals with the Nazi's at one point. I totally understand where you are coming from in this senario.

All in all, an amazing take on an old standard. I will continue to read and review.
3/15/2009 c1 29Deona Lindholm
Woo, I really liked this story! It's really fitting that we saw what happened to Hochsteter after dying. I really cracked up when I saw that Hogan, Klink and the rest were borrowed temporarily from Heaven to beef up the security in Hell. Really nice fic!
3/15/2009 c1 Kathy Candelaria
Not a death I would have thought of. One he most definitely deserved. As much I have disliked Hochstetter, the question of his loyalty and sincere belief in the propaganda of his time was never doubted. I would imagine that Hitler was not the only leader persona that Satan has worn.
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