Just In
for An Even Fuller House

9/4/2011 c2 30Luna del Cielo
cute :)
9/4/2011 c1 Luna del Cielo
I LOVE that you created a FUll HOUSE crossover. awesome :)
12/25/2009 c4 blue talith
I LIKE this story a lot! Really, I do. And the concept is great! Kudos to gibby101.
12/12/2009 c4 Sean Malloy-1
This was too big of a time-skip I can barely follow the chapter, you went from about season 1 or 2 of "Buffy" to season 7, you need to fill in the gap.
12/8/2009 c4 Cylon One
Good to have ya back.

This was a great update.

So all that was shown until about the end was a Slayer dream?


Certainly the most non-negative one ever.

So happy sounding an' all.

I just love and can't get over Michelle and Stephanie being Potentials in it.

And just love and can't help finding it so cute of Michelle giving her famous "You got it, dude!" line when agreeing to keeping all her grades up and doing her chores in order for the chance to do a patrol just once.

Buffy hasn't met the Tanner girls yet in the real world, right?

I think she better be careful when she does meet them and not give away their names that she got from her dream when introduced to them for the first time.

Except for D.J.'s.

One thing I wonder when the day comes that Danny learns the truth of the world Buffy's involved in.

Whether he'll be upset when he learns werewolves are real and remembers the time he told Stephanie that there were no wolf men when she was fearing them.

That he unknowingly told her a lie that time.
12/7/2009 c4 30Boris Yeltsin
4/13/2009 c3 Sean Malloy-1
Interesting story, hope to read more soon.
4/1/2009 c3 Cylon One
A very good updated chapter.

Liked seeing back in Sunnydale of what's going on after Buffy got off the phone with Joyce.

It was nice and touching hearing Xander talking to Dawn about always wanting a brother or sister.

And that he thinks of Dawn as a little sister.

Now something for the Full House side from previous chapters: Y'know, I like the Full House side of things so much that I just had to go through my collection and watch several episodes from its first season.
3/30/2009 c3 Alexandra
Aw, Xander and Dawn are so cute! :)

I can't wait until Danny and co. see what Buffy is capable of!
3/29/2009 c3 Allen Pitt
boy talk about awkward when B's secret comes out-and even Joyce doesn't know right now. I suppose it'd be easy to get some CSI characters into the story considering the number of mysterious deaths that occur in sunnydale...

hm, would Xander feel threatened in his relationship with Dawn if D. gets several new sisters?
3/26/2009 c2 Rayne StarDust
Wow, yep, this story is really good! Haha, I wonder what Danny will say when he finds out about Buffy and her blazing pastimes! Or Jesse! I'd love to be a fly on that wall!
3/26/2009 c1 Rayne StarDust
I was a tad wary about this one, but now I can't wait until I read the next chapter! I was amazed that someone thought of a crossover with Full House - it's the reason I clicked on the story. It's a great idea, as long as it doesn't turn into some type of 7th Heaven thing. Excellent job on the first chapter!
3/24/2009 c2 astra-kelly
hmm interesting, very unique cross-over idea, pretty decent thus far. glad your dad is okay, do continue when you can:)

hehe i imagene Danny is going to get the Ted treatment?;p
3/20/2009 c2 Alexandra
Hey, I really like this story. It's a very unique crossover. I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but I'm glad that he's okay.

Update when you get a break from all the stuff going on! : )
3/20/2009 c2 drebuscam1
excellent and intelligent.
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