Just In
for Cry

12/16/2012 c1 5Sirius-Loey
7/29/2009 c1 1Westward Rambler
that was great!
4/4/2009 c1 13HermyCaz
Only two reviews? This is amazing! I loev the emotion it shows, your writing style is well...great :D I really like the brotherly relationship you show between them. It so doesn't seem wierd at all...and seems very inspired...I'll be reading your others! :)

Thanks for a great read

-HermyCaz xx
3/28/2009 c1 4XxiceflamexX sad. and too fast/ =P

And I did tell you you write a lot of depressing stories, but it was good all the same...:'(
3/28/2009 c1 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
WOW! I am completely speechless! That was unbelievably amazing, it made me cry so much! That was the best one-shot you have written so far!

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