Just In
for Delicious Revenge

4/15/2020 c1 3theantagonistfiles
Rereading this again after god knows how many years... And damn you're still one of my favorite authors for these wonderful story ideas!
9/1/2019 c1 Weirdo
7/5/2019 c1 poisoned
This is so cute! I love Oro and Tsuna together 33 Poor Jira tho.
6/24/2019 c1 12Mdawg1425
That was cute! I can’t see that ever happening but it’s fun to write about :P
2/3/2019 c1 193Lumiere de Venise
LMAAAOOOO ! Poor Jiraiya lol
7/8/2017 c1 16Poodie
I... don't know... why I love this so much...
10/8/2015 c1 gabisusy
makes more stories please orotsu , they are more perfect than those of pray and anko and surely would more success! I loved this chapter my favorite 3 congratulations on this chapter!
( this chapter orotsu was so successful that even I who am Brazilian I am reading !)
6/15/2015 c1 3animeroxz
Oooh so deliciously evil and so Orochimaru! I loved it!
6/9/2015 c1 Mala137SHL
Ough... Hahaha... Poor Jiraiya...
Orochimaru won this time...
6/1/2013 c1 orochimaru sama
wow nice love story man!
6/1/2013 c1 24GWEN-sama33
I liked
4/9/2013 c1 Fallen Tormented Passion
I think that JIraiya got what he deserved here. Orochimaru is pretty and hot and sexy and... WOW! This was so cute. I don't usually read guyxgirl, but your stories are really worthwhile.
1/8/2013 c1 Orochimaru hair
So like Orochimaru!
10/14/2012 c1 21Xyra Kaze
I can't remember if i review last time so i'm going to do it again... i absolutely adore this fic i keep on reading it again and again! it just never get's old! Thank you soooo much for writing it... it's truly amazing!
8/4/2012 c1 kandita
Lol too cute
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