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for Denial Is Not A Pretty Facial Feature

1/16/2023 c16 AnastasiaSteeleGrey
This is a really bad plot
2/3/2022 c21 Guest
this story is beautiful. i love every single chapter in this story. thank u for sharing this ure totally awesome! xo
7/19/2021 c19 Aurora Draco Malfoy
This chapter was so good. The characters are stupid. But the angst is really high and I thank you for this chapter
7/19/2021 c17 Aurora Draco Malfoy
Are you mad?
7/19/2021 c16 Aurora Draco Malfoy
This has no character development. I have no idea why I wasted my valuable time to read this piece of shit
7/19/2021 c14 Aurora Draco Malfoy
I beg you not to let that moron back into Hermione's life.
Please please please.
She deserves better
9/22/2020 c21 keya20
I absolutely love this fanfic and its ending !
10/15/2019 c1 AnnaOxford
4/25/2019 c2 12BoredRavenvlaw620
They're cute! I'm excited to see how things develop!
4/25/2019 c1 BoredRavenvlaw620
Fun start!
2/3/2018 c17 Guest
Enjoyed the beginning. Everything else after that felt disconnected and abrupt.
10/2/2017 c19 lakelady8425
The Little Thing's death and funeral are absolutely heart wrenching. Too sad for anyone to endure, even fictional characters.
10/2/2017 c18 lakelady8425
I keep thinking this unbelievably heartbreaking story will head toward a happy ending sometime soon but I'm having doubts now.
9/30/2017 c1 7throughhiseyes
hmmmm...great chapter so far
6/23/2017 c4 alberonaness
great chapter, so far this has been one best dramione marriage fics I've read:)
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