Just In
for Bickering Never Leads To Anything Good

3/12/2015 c3 1JessicaMalfoy123
: )
4/6/2010 c3 5xanimejunkie
Haha. As always, Dumbledore gets the last word. I can't believe I'm actually getting into the Hermione/Draco pairing now.
12/22/2009 c1 dddddddddd
where the hell was the romance in that at least you could have made them kiss at the end or something or was I missing the point here oh and where on earth was the humour!
8/26/2009 c3 1a-person-in-the-universe
hahaha if they had known about that last part... wow that would have been awkward. no, that IS awkward.. good story though :)
8/25/2009 c3 shadowontherun
love the ending! lmao
7/27/2009 c3 5Kaggy001
Such a cute funny story.
5/17/2009 c3 2Malfoy and Jacob lover
OMG... Wow. That was good and funny.
4/13/2009 c3 silverfox05
just read the last chapter.

it ended too soon. :P

write another one with the green sheets. let's see where that goes. :D
4/12/2009 c2 silverfox05
good story all in all.

A bit of a query, you seem to condense everything in one paragraph so a lot is going on in that.

So, yeah. :)

keep it up.
4/11/2009 c3 8Sharlmalfoy
That was really good! I liked Draco's awkwardness at some parts. And I loved the last part about the green sheets and the tattoo :D Funny and not an excessive amount of fluff

Great job! :D

4/11/2009 c3 1Death to all who defy me
bahahaha I love that albus and Minerva heard that conversation. That just made my day
4/10/2009 c1 3ASHLEYVASJ123


4/10/2009 c3 ezza
sexy but cute
4/10/2009 c3 yoyo
oh :D

i like i like :P
4/9/2009 c3 1cariux5
good story, wait is it done? no more chapters?
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