Just In
for Stolen Miracle

10/12/2011 c3 9Neko Airie
i have been waiting for this update and love the story, and would dearly love to co-write with you, you are an amazing author
10/12/2011 c3 wolves2152
It's great that your updating now!

Can't wait for more
10/12/2011 c3 62Kylelover101
ooooooooooh! u updated! Yay'! Please up-date more. I want more cutness. and could the chapters be longer? please. thank you for up-dating!


u could add a little more over-protectiveness into the story. like when Legolas gets older, his parents won't let him out of his-Legolas is so cute!

10/12/2011 c3 12XxxLegolasloverxxX
okay, I loved this chapter! Thank you so much for up-dating!
10/6/2011 c2 Hannah-Banana
Okay, seriously? U need to up-date right now. I'm sick and tired of tricking myself into thinking that this will be up-dated. I want it up-dated now! I mean: N-O-W NOW!

If u do not up-date I'll steal Baby Legolas and raise him myself! (just kidding) I'll put this on story alert though, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease update!

9/12/2010 c2 XxMyLoverxX
Update soon please!

I've read this story about a million times over the past year and each timeI kind of trick myself into thinking there will be more!

Everytime it's like I'm reading it for the first time but I need to read more!

Please update soon, I really love this story! You're an amazing writer!
10/23/2009 c2 9Lilia0
its adorable! plz update soon!

10/18/2009 c1 xXFreedom-ReaderXx
6/13/2009 c2 kiki
cute can't wait for the next legolas being sick.
6/9/2009 c2 Zeke
Omg socute i hope you make more i love it
5/15/2009 c2 xXFreedom-ReaderXx
Aw how cute is baby Legolas! It's goes to cause soo much pain when he's stolen from the elves! I totally can't wait to read about Legolas as an young adult! YES you should totally make this a Aragon/Legolas fic in the future and when Legolas is older he should have Aragon's baby/ies! I can't wait to read more!
5/10/2009 c2 23abc233
I love it so far :)

Looking forward to seeing where this is going, and happy birthday! REgg
5/9/2009 c2 MDarKspIrIt
Great chapter. I'm glad to see you've updated! Can't wait to read more and happy birthday.
5/2/2009 c1 1fox gal
I would love to see this end up as an Aragon/Legolas! plz!
4/5/2009 c1 redrobin
it's a good start and I would like if there are more chapters for your other story you know the Twilight/Charmed one (hint hint) :)

But still can't wait until you update this fic too.

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