Just In
for Vicissitude

1/3 c1 Ama Beck
I read your story and I really liked it. I do not doubt your abilities, and I know how much effort you've put into it. I want to work on it with the same dedication, effort, and heart, and I would love to convert it into a comic. I also want to share some ideas with you. My best wishes are with you, and this is my contact; you can talk to me here as well.

Contact info:
Discord: bunnylicious02
best regard,
Ama Beck.
6/1/2023 c18 Thunder Dragon
I am sending my take on Enku's request.

It is rated T to M.

1st Franchise, Dragon Ball Super.

2nd Franchise, Fred Perry's Gold Diggers comics.

The Genre is Adventure/Family with Fantasy.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 1: The World of the Story. Please merge the Dragon Ball Multiverse with the Gold Digger Multiverse. However the main character is Broly.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 2: Broly's childhood and childhood adventures. Please have baby Broly be found and taken in by the Diggers family. For Broly, make sure Broly is his Dragon Ball Super incarnation.

Here is Broly's upbringing. As a kid Broly hates having to hurt people and he loves working with animals but he has to wonder where he comes from, who he is, and who his birth parents are and how he is so strong and also why he has anger problems. The Digger's family were honest with him and say that he was adopted but they do not know where he comes from and so these questions will haunt him until his adult life where he starts to get those answers.

Broly also admires the stories of Sun Wukong the Monkey King and when he meets the Legendary Monkey King Sun Wukong becomes Broly's mentor and teacher. For reference on how Strong Sun Wukong should be See DEATH BATTLE! Hercules VS Sun Wukong.

Broly training under Wukong eventually makes Broly become a Zen Buddhist as Buddhism is a major part of The Monkey King's Story. For Wukong's past stick close to the source material and use Journey to The West as a template for further World Building and for Sun Wukong's past adventures and all of his powers and abilities. Do not go with the abridged versions.

I would also look at – A Supplement to the Journey to the West a literary spin off of Journey to The West called in Chinese Xiyoubu, 西遊補, written in 1640 and also – Journey to the South also called by it's native name Nanyouji, written in the 17th-century for more of Sun Wukong's adventures.

Also take a look at The Journey to The West Research Blog and video's by these people for research purposes. Journey to the West by Overly Sarcastic Productions. Ten Facts About Sun Wukong The Monkey King by ghostexorcist. The Monkey King by La Volpe. And finally The Monkey King by Extra Credits. For the Books on Journey to the West, see Anthony C. Yu's translation of Journey to The West.

Broly's adventures as a kid with his family and friends are like the original Dragon Ball Hunt. But Broly's adventure are similar to the films, Dragon Ball: The Path to Power and Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies, Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle, and the King Piccolo Saga but they are also similar to the adventures of the hero that inspired Dragon Ball; The Monkey King Sun Wukong from Journey to The West.

You must add elements of The Lego Animated series, Monkie Kid to this version of Earth and for Broly's adventures as a kid. These events put Broly on the map and solidifies his fame on Earth. Also Broly can also explore all that this version of Earth has to offer Broly as a child.

But Broly still has problems as there has to internal conflict as well as external conflicts for Broly's growth.

Broly as a child has his demons and unlike his adoptive sister Britanny, Broly has to struggle with them for his whole life. He has to work to control his strength and anger for his entire life and Broly also has to wonder who is he and where does he come from? Is Broly a hero or is he a monster? Is he meant to be a killer or is his work as a hero is who he wants to be? That is the core of Broly's growth as a character.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 2.5: Broly's Childhood powers.

Now for Broly's childhood powers. Starting out Broly has the standard Saiyan biology and abilities along with his canon power level of 10,000. Broly also starting out has a berserk fighting style that resembles Adaptive Wrestling and has the healing factor of Z Era Broly along with his Z Era Broly's ability to survive a planet busting explosion and the depths of space. Broly still has Super Era Broly's Saiyan Power and is able to increase his strength with his anger and as he fights but it is merged with Z Era Broly's Saiyan Power which allows Broly to get stronger after recovering from nearly dying and Broly after recovering can also gain new transformations from the experience.

Broly also has the standard Oozaru form and the Oozaru Broly form.

Broly at his best is a Gentle Giant and Tarzan like character who likes being around animals but he hates fighting or hurting people unlike most Saiyans as he is afraid of killing someone and losing control of his strength and also losing control of his anger as he has a bit of a temper. So Broly is trained in martial arts and meditation.

But that is not all. Broly like all Saiyans even in childhood is prodigy of combat mastering the Tiger, Monkey, Crane, Snake, Leopard, Mantis, and Dragon Styles of Shaolin Kung Fu.

South Dragon Style is a mashup of the various Shaolin Animal Styles. Students work on a paired striking blocking exercise and practice form techniques. North Dragon Style is different. There are many martial arts that require acrobatic leaps, dynamic athleticism, or the strength to break boards, bricks, or other inanimate objects but Northern Dragon is not one of those arts.

Northern Dragon teaches students to stay firmly rooted on the ground and with good reason. Being grounded to the earth allows the generation of power from the feet on up. What this means is that as an art firmly rooted in the earth the main physical concern will be building up the strength and endurance in your legs and core muscles that will allow you to maintain a stance for longer and longer periods of time. That’s why it's a practice; a discipline. Anyone can do it given the commitment to the practice.

Broly also learns two more styles of Chinese Kung Fu: Tai Tzu and Lui He. Broly also learns the martial arts of Akido, Judo, and Taekwondo. And their is an actual martial arts style called Shotokan Karate which Broly also learns. Shotokan Karate was inspired by Bushido and the philosophies of Zen Buddhism. Bushido is not just a philosophy but also a fighting style of The Japanese Samurai. Shotokan Karate did not originate in Street Fighter.

Broly has to train and work hard to gain better control of his strength and his anger.

Until then Broly when angered enough cannot control his anger or control his strength until he starts to take his training in Meditation, Martial Arts, and takes his Religion seriously. Broly also must work to face down and conquer the Oozaru forms as over the course of the story Broly must master the beast within and the full potential and power of his birthright or become a rampaging monster and risk a bad guy coming along who is strong enough to destroy all of reality.

But that is not all. Broly training under the Monkey King gains a watered down version of Sun Wukong's powers, he does not have Wukong's Immortality, Infinite strength, and is not Invulnerable.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 3: Broly's later powers and later adventures:

Broly's character development and story arc as an adult is about him learning what he can do and him controlling his strength and his anger, finding out where he comes from and who he is, accepting and overcoming the sins of the Saiyan Heritage, being a good parent and husband, and working to better his universe.

However Broly in his adult years gets finds more self control and discipline in his adult life as he trains even harder and gradually grows in power. And when Broly has better self control and becomes stronger in his adult years he gains a reputation as one of the most powerful beings in existence.

Broly's Base power cannot be measured like in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. When Broly becomes an adult. Broly as an adult also gets the powers from his original Dragon Ball Z incarnation's official Super Saiyan transformations that Z Era Broly had from the video games that do not involve Z Era Broly being mind controlled along with Broly getting more from Dragon Ball Z. But all of Broly's Dragon Ball Z Era's transformations are now scaled to fit Dragon Ball Super Broly. Also the Legendary Super Saiyan transformations are also scaled to fit Dragon Ball Super Era Broly.

Here are the recommended games. Dragon Ball The Raging Blast series, Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers, Dragon Ball Heroes, Dragon Ball Super Heroes, and Dragon Ball Kai: Miracle Battle Card.

In your version of Dragon Ball Z Broly gains and eventually masters all these transformations and their abilities to find self control and master the beast and the power within Broly: Oozaru, The Wrathful Form, Pseudo Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Second Grade, Super Saiyan Third Grade, Super Saiyan Full Power, Super Saiyan A-type, Super Saiyan C-type, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 3 Full Power, Legendary Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan 2, Legendary Super Saiyan 3, Golden Oozaru, Oozaru Broly, Super Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.

In your version Dragon Ball Super Broly gains and masters these transformations: Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan with the mastered energies of a god, Super Saiyan Blue, and Super Saiyan Blue Perfected. When Broly finally masters and controls himself he gains and perfects the last Transformation of Z Era Broly, Broly God. This must be a gradual growth and each transformation ties into his character development and he has to work to master them.

Broly with all his training and new powers is more of a beast than in cannon and in his adult years Broly develops and masters all the other abilities, techniques, and transformations of his Z Era and Dragon Ball Super Era incarnations.

See Hulk VS Broly(Marvel VS Dragon Ball)DEATH BATTLE! as well as all the official power boosts of the listed transformations and use that as a template for Broly's strength in the story.

Despite this incredible power Broly still has weaknesses.

First: Broly's tail can still be grabbed and unless he strengthens it he feels incredible pain and even when strengthened it can still be grabbed.

Second: all of Broly's Dragon Ball Z Era's transformations are now scaled to fit Dragon Ball Super Era Broly. So for Broly they are last resort options that could cause him to destroy reality. Broly has to hold back unless he is in a location that can take his power and meets a challenger who can take it or is just pure evil.

Third: Broly is terrified of losing control of himself and his powers and his anger so he always holds back because Broly's worst fear is losing control and killing everyone and becoming like the original Dragon Ball Z Broly but because Broly also has all his Z Era's transformations including those from the games boosting his already immense strength and with all of his new powers he could be worse.

Fourth: The Super Saiyan 4 Transformations risks Broly turning more violent so he has to work to master those forms savage and violent impulses. This also applies to Broly's Wrathful Form but the Wrathful Form also causes Broly immense pain and the form is unique to him along with Oozaru Broly. Oozaru Broly is also the apex of the Oozaru transformations and its savage instincts and might but lacks control. Also if Broly's tail is cut off he cannot access Super Saiyan 4 and it's variants or his Oozaru forms.

Here is the reason why if Broly loses his tail he cannot access Super Saiyan 4. Super Saiyan 4 is the union of the Super Saiyan and The Oozaru forms and Super Saiyan 4 is the form of a Saiyan who has overcome the Feral Mind of the Oozaru and has mastered The Golden Oozaru or Oozaru Broly forms to reach the apex of primal Saiyan Power. Cut off the source of that power and it cannot be accessed.

Fifth: If Broly is to deep in his anger this can leave Broly vulnerable to opponents just as strong but more skilled. And Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan forms and at the peak of his anger runs the risk of becoming a mindless monster who in his berserk state who can potentially destroy reality!

Sixth: Broly must seek to tame and control his unstable and endless energy along with his anger problems until then Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan forms has to burn out some of his energy or risk self destruction. And even when Broly masters his energy and power he is still aware of what he can do to others and to the world if he loses control so Broly holds himself back unless the situation calls for it.

But Broly eventually will master himself, his powers, and conquer his inner demons.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 4: Parings. Broly can get with Sheila Silverear after he tries a to fix her transformation problem and kicks off a good relationship with her when he is successful with helping her. Broly can also get with Barbara "Crush" Duncan after impressing her with his strength. Eventually Broly falls in love with and gets to marry and have kid's with either Sheila, or Barbara "Crush" Duncan.

Britanny gets with Stripe, Kevin and Penelope hook up, Briann gets with Zan, Gina hooks up with Ebenezer Sleake's. Gar hooks up with Luan Geas.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 5: The Super Saiyan Sagas.

Along with Broly going down the events of some of the Gold Digger Comic's Story Lines The Digger's family have to go down a version of the Saiyan Saga but with their level of power things get crazier. At the start of the Namek Saga Broly learns that his people are good and peaceful. In this universe most Saiyans are a race of heroes and peace keepers with the ones who attacked Earth are descendants of exiled criminals.

This causes Broly to once again wonder where he comes from and the question he has been asking his whole life reappears. Is Broly a hero or a monster? Is he meant to be a killer or is his work as a hero who he wants to be? When Broly finds out he is from another universe, Broly knows the truth and he finally knows who he is. Broly is a Hero who choose to become better than the rest of his universes Saiyans.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 5.5: Broly's Saga in Dragon Ball Super. Broly after learning about the Multiverse and also The Super Dragon Balls, Broly eventually gathers them to bring back all the species and planets in his universe that were destroyed including the Saiyans. Broly also gets the God Ki and the Super Saiyan God Forms making him whole and truly Legendary in terms of Saiyan Power.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 6: Broly in Saiyan Society.

After the Gardeners mysteries are unraveled, the events of the final showdown with Dreadwing in Jade Realm and the final battle against The Umbra, Broly decides to teach the Saiyans all of what he knows as he feels like he has done enough to save the world and also teach the next generation of defenders.

When the rogue Saiyan's eventually rejoin the reformed Saiyans and Broly when he masters his powers and himself Broly trains all of the Saiyan Warriors to master the Oozaru and Golden Oozaru forms, the standard Super Saiyan states, and Super Saiyan 4 and it's variants.

Broly also teaches all the Saiyan's Taoist mysticism and philosophy alongside the various martial arts philosophies and Buddhist philosophies and teachings, as well as how to control their strength and control their minds to find Enlightenment and also to try and reform them to one day become heroes.

To quote the Buddha "It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you. Not by Angels, or Demons, Heaven or Hell".

That is the story of Broly. The Legendary Super Saiyan.
3/14/2023 c3 4Wackuhdoodle
Is it bad that if I was Ranma, I’d have killed someone long before this? Maybe everybody just exaggerates in fanfiction, but I only have so much patience for violent stupidity. Kuno, Ryoga, Mousse, though more specifically Kuno, if he had kept up his insanity, I’d have just put him down
11/19/2022 c1 Guest
Why don't you write more
1/13/2022 c18 Enku
I have a challenge for you.

My request is a Dragon Ball and Fred Perry's Gold Digger comic book series crossover.

It is rated T to M.

The Genre is Adventure/Family with Fantasy.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 1: The World of the Story. Please merge the Dragon Ball Multiverse with the Gold Digger Multiverse with Universe 7 merged with the Prime Universe of Gold Digger. However the main character is Broly.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 2: Broly's childhood and childhood adventures. Please have baby Broly be found and taken in by the Diggers family. For Broly, make sure Broly is his Dragon Ball Super incarnation.

Here is Broly's upbringing. As a kid Broly hates having to hurt people and he loves working with animals but he has to wonder where he comes from, who he is, and who his birth parents are and how he is so strong and also why he has anger problems. The Digger's family were honest with him and honestly say that he was adopted but they do not know where he comes from and so these questions will haunt him until his adult life where he starts to get those answers.

Broly also admires the stories of Sun Wukong the Monkey King and when he meets the Legendary Monkey King with Sun Wukong becoming Broly's mentor and teacher.

Broly's adventures as a kid with his family and friends are like the original Dragon Ball Hunt with Bulma and the Briefs as friends of the Diggers family. But Broly's later adventures involve the Red Ribbon Army, and the King Piccolo Saga and the last one is the Piccolo Junior saga but they are also similar to the adventures of the hero that inspired Dragon Ball; The Monkey King Sun Wukong from Journey to The West. You must also add elements of The Lego Animated series, Monkie Kid. Those events put Broly on the map and solidifies his fame on Earth. Also Broly can also explore all that this version of Earth has as a child.

I recommend that you take a look at The Journey to The West Research Blog and video's by these people for research purposes. Journey to the West by Overly Sarcastic Productions. Ten Facts About Sun Wukong the Monkey King by ghostexorcist. The Monkey King by La Volpe. And finally The Monkey King by Extra Credits. For the Books on Journey to the West, see Anthony C. Yu's translation of Journey to The West.

Now for Broly's powers. Broly starting out has the standard Saiyan biology and abilities along with his canon power level of 10,000. Broly also has a berserk fighting style and it resembles Adaptive Wrestling and he has the healing factor of his Z Era self along with his Z Era Broly's ability to survive a planet busting explosion and survive the depths of space, the Oozaru forms and also Z Era Oozaru Broly. But seeing as Broly has a massive power level and is not like most Saiyans he is afraid of killing someone and loosing control of his anger so that is one of his weaknesses.

So Broly is taught martial arts and meditation to help him learn to control his strength and also discipline his mind. Broly like all Saiyans even in childhood is prodigy of combat mastering the Tiger, Monkey, Crane, Snake, Leopard and Mantis styles of the Shaolin Animal styles of Kung Fu.

Their is are two variants of Dragon Style martial arts which Broly learns. Broly learns both North and South Dragon Style.

South Dragon Style is a mashup of the various animal styles which Broly learns. Students work on a paired striking blocking exercise and practice form techniques. North Dragon Style is different. While there are many martial arts that require acrobatic leaps, dynamic athleticism, or the strength to break boards, bricks, or other inanimate objects, Northern Dragon is not one of those arts.

Northern Dragon teaches students to stay firmly rooted on the ground, and with good reason—being grounded to the earth allows the generation of power from the feet on up. What this means is that as an art firmly rooted in the earth, the main physical concern will be building up the strength and endurance in your legs and core muscles that will allow you to maintain a stance for longer and longer periods of time. That’s why its a practice; a discipline. Anyone can do it, given the commitment to the practice.

Broly also learns two more styles of Chinese Kung Fu: Tai Tzu and Lui He. Broly also learns the martial arts disciplines of Akido, Judo, and Taekwondo. And their is an actual martial arts style called Shotokan Karate which Broly learns. Shotokan Karate was inspired by the fighting style of Bushido and Zen Buddhism. Bushido is not just a philosophy but it is also a fighting style of The Japanese Samurai. Shotokan Karate did not originate in Street Fighter.

Aura Magic is not his thing but he is more drawn to Mythology and Folk Tales stories and religion to the point he becomes a Zen Buddhist, and he learns older Taoist and Buddhist folk magic's and not the stuff based on RPGs. Broly learns Taoist Magic and gains some Enlightenment Super Powers but Broly must work to master it as he is no prodigy of magic or on the path to enlightenment and he also has to gain better control of his strength and anger. And after working hard Broly gains Sun Wukong's powers from Journey To The West aside from Sun Wukong's immortality along with what Broly gets later.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 3: Broly's later powers and later adventures:

Broly with all his training and new powers is even more of a beast then in cannon and in his adult years we see how strong that he becomes in his adult years when he develops all the abilities, techniques, and transformations of his Z Era and Dragon Ball Super Era incarnations(see Hulk VS Broly (Marvel VS Dragon Ball) DEATH BATTLE! as a template and starting point).

When Broly grows up and has better self control and also becomes stronger he joins Gina, Brittany, and Brianna Diggers on their cannon exploits with him shaking things up. But you must also go into an altered version of Dragon Ball Z for Broly and the family.

For starters, Paragus is the one who kicks off the Saiyan Saga on Earth along with other surviving Saiyans and then things get crazy when you go into the Namek, Android, and Buu Sagas.

Thing also get crazy with the Cosmic adventures of the Digger's family being merged with some of Broly's and Kakarot's cosmic adventures including some events in Dragon Ball Super.

Broly's character development and story arch is about him learning what he can do and him controlling his strength, controlling his anger, finding out where he comes from, who he is, and also Broly accepting, overcoming and learning to be better than his Saiyan Heritage, being a good parent and seeking to better himself and his world.

When you go into Broly's adult life you must give him the sheer strength of his Dragon Ball Super Era self from Dragon Ball Super: Broly and eventually Broly gets his Dragon Ball Super era Legendary Super Saiyan form and his strength as an adult along with his Wrath Form and when Broly becomes an adult he also gets these powers from his original Dragon Ball Z incarnation and some from the video games Broly's Z Era Counterpart and all the official Super Saiyan transformations that do not involve Broly turning evil or being mind controlled and everything he has officially his Dragon Ball Z Era self had along with a little more that Z Era Broly had from some of the games along with more from Dragon Ball Z and everything Broly has in Dragon Ball Super: Broly along with Broly getting more from Dragon Ball Super.

From Dragon Ball Z incarnation Broly's abilities are Oozaru, Pseudo Super Saiyan, The Wrathful Form, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Second Grade, Super Saiyan Third Grade, Super Saiyan Full Power, Super Saiyan A-type Super Saiyan C-type, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 3 Full Power, Legendary Super Saiyan, Legendary Super Saiyan 2, Legendary Super Saiyan 3, Golden Oozaru, Great Ape Broly, Super Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4, Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.

In Dragon Ball Super also gains Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan with the mastered energies of a god, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Perfected and when he finally masters and controls himself and his more violent impulses he gains and perfects the last Transformation of Broly God.

But despite all this power there are caveats and Broly still has some weaknesses.

First Broly's tail can still be grabbed and unless he strengthens it Broly can feel incredible pain. And even when Broly strengthen's his tail it can still be grabbed.

Second each of Broly's Dragon Ball Z Era's transformations are now scaled to fit Dragon Ball Super Broly. So for Broly they are last resort options that could cause him to destroy all of reality and most of the Super Saiyan 4 Transformations risks Broly turning more violent so he has to work to master those forms animal instincts and their savage and violent impulses. This also applies to Broly's Wrath State and the Wrathful form still causes him pain. If Broly is to deep in his anger this can also leave Broly vulnerable to opponents just as strong but far more skilled.

So Broly seeks to tame and control his unstable and endless energy along with his brute strength and his anger problems.

Also Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan forms has to burn out some of his energy or risk self destruction. Even if Broly masters his energy and power he still has to be aware of what he can do to others and to the world if he loses control so he has to hold himself back unless he is either in a location that can take his power or Broly meets a challenger who can take the punishment as well.

When Broly enters his adult life and becomes much stronger you must pit Broly against planet to universal level threats and also against super geniuses who can outwit him.

Also Broly's worst fear is becoming like the original Dragon Ball Z Broly but with his Super Era's power and he is afraid because he also has his Z Era's transformations including those from the games boosting his strength. Broly is terrified of losing control of himself and his powers and giving into his anger fearing that he may turn him into Dragon Ball Z Era Broly. But Broly eventually will master himself, his powers, and eventually face his inner demons which he conquers. When Broly does all that he finds a higher form of Enlightenment.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 4: Parings. Broly can get with Sheila Silverear after he tries a to fix her transformation problem and kicks off a good relationship with her when he is successful with helping her. Broly can get with Cheelai after helping her to get out of the Freiza Force after Broly finds away to fix Sheila's transformation problem.

Broly can also get with Barbara "Crush" Duncan after impressing Barbara with his strength. And Broly can vouch for Barbara's good behavior to get an early release from prison. Or Broly can get with those three women somehow and have kids with them.

Eventually Broly falls in love with and gets to marry and have kid's with either Cheelai or Sheila, or Barbara "Crush" Duncan. Or Broly can have a harem consisting of those three women.

Goku when he appears on earth gets with Chichi and has kids with her. And Vegeta gets with Bulma and has kids with her as well.

Yamcha and Xane can work together and eventually hook up. Yamcha is the bread winning Baseball Star making the big money and Yamcha shows Xane his fighting style and how to use Ki and it is his good looks that attracts Xane to him and the fact he pays the bills. Krillin gets with Android 18, and Raditz after spending time on Earth gets with Launch and Barbara "Crush" Duncan if she does not get with Broly can get with Android 17.

Britanny gets with Stripe, Kevin and Penelope hook up, Briann gets with Zan, Gina hooks up with Ebenezer Sleake's. Gar hooks up with Luan Geas.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 5: The Super Saiyan of Space. Take a look at these videos for some of Kakkarot's adventures. What If Goku Landed On Planet Namek? - The Movie by Plus Ultra Man. What if Goku was raised by the Galactic Patrol? by Dexcomics and Smugstic. Use those videos as inspiration and as templates. Goku must still play a massive role in the story. And also take a look at What If Raditz Turned Good? by MasakoX and What if Nappa turned Good? by MasakoX as well.

After the Digger's version of the Saiyan Saga things get crazier. At the start of the Namek Saga it is Kakarott who greets the Diggers family and also Kakarot helps them gather the Namekian Dragon Balls and he must face Vegeta like in the cannon Saiyan Saga. And like in canon Kakarot is the first one to become a Super Saiyan. When Freiza shows up the Diggers family help the Saiyans out in the fight against Frieza. When the Saiyan's are brought back along with all the other races who were wiped out in Universe 7 after the Tournament of The Destroyers Kakarot over the course of the story helps the Saiyans to walk in the right path and he eventually gets everything that Son Goku has officially across the franchise over the course of the Story.

Kakarot still has his rivalry with Prince Vegeta. But Kakarot is just a little bit stronger and he works to better the races of the universe and Kakarot is the most involved in cosmic and alien threats. Kakarot helps Broly go Super Saiyan as he is the one who faces Frieza and is the first Super Saiyan. Kakarot eventually masters all the non legendary variants of Super Saiyan and he has learned a lot of Alien techniques and has mastered Spirit Control and Kakarot gradually gains everything Goku has officially from across the franchise. Kakarot is like the more heroic version of Goku in the original English Dub of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

The Legendary Super Saiyan of Gold Part 6: Broly in Saiyan Society.

After the Gardeners mysteries are unraveled, the events of the final showdown with Dreadwing in Jade Realm and the final battle against The Umbra, Broly decides to teach the Saiyans all of what he knows as he feels like he has done enough to save the world and also teach the next generation of defenders.

When the rogue Saiyan's eventually rejoin the reformed Saiyans society and when Broly masters his powers and himself Broly trains all of the Saiyan Warriors to master all the Oozaru forms, the Psuedo Super Saiyan state, and Super Saiyan 4 and it's variants. And for the truly Pure of Heart Kakkarot shows them how to reach the Super Saiyan God forms.

Broly also teaches all the Saiyan's the Taoist mysticism and philosophy alongside the various martial arts and Buddhist mysticism, philosophies and teachings, as well as how to control their strength and control their minds to help them find Enlightenment.

To quote the Buddha "It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you. Not by Angels, or Demons, Heaven or Hell".

That is the story of The Legendary Super Saiyans.
6/11/2021 c3 Wackuhdoodle
I actually know what Legerdemain means! Just played ESO...
12/12/2020 c18 Sayians4ever
Here is my request.

It is a Dragon Ball series and Senran Kagura crossover.

It is rated K-T. The sequels range from T-M.

Saiyans and Shinobi Part 1: The World of the Story and Story Arcs.

The world of the Story is a fusion of the Dragon Ball multiverse and Senran Kagura. The Earth is a fusion of Universe 7 Earth and Senran Kagura Earth with Son Goku going down events of the original Dragon Ball series and some of the Senran Kagura games before going into Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT for the finale.

But their are multiple twists to the original Dragon Ball story.

1. Goku grows up in the Mountains but is Asuka’s childhood and lifelong friend and eventual boyfriend.

2. All the Gods of Earth’s mythology and religions are real. When the Gods of myth get involved they have all the abilities of all their legends, their pop culture counterparts and their various incarnations and the characters that they inspired in pop culture. They can do anything that can be imagined within their spheres of influence but a creator or head deity of a mythology and religion is virtually omnipotent. Their only weaknesses are the ones found in their original religions and mythologies.

The reason why many of the Gods of Earth are no longer active is because that after the Age of Legends they developed a non interference policy on the mortal world; at least for those still around. Most of Earth’s pantheons have moved on and all have created their own universes outside of Zeno’s authority and the Gods of Myth have all ascended to a higher plane of existence beyond anything in Dragon Ball by mastering and perfecting the Magic of their religions and Dragon Ball Magic along with Ki.

How the influence of the Gods of Mythology being real applies to Kami and the position is this.

The position of Kami is one that the Gods of Legend created to act as a messenger as well as be their emissary and ambassador to the Kai’s, Angels, and Xeno, and be the protector of Earth but is still mortal hence why their is more than one but they all have God Ki.

Shin and Old Kai are not the only surviving Supreme Kai’s of Universe 7. The Supreme Kai Avatars in Dragon Ball Heroes are here as characters and allies to the protagonists. They are Shin’s juniors. After the fight with Kid Buu the Supreme Kais that we’re absorbed are restored and train them.

During the interlude between the end of Z and the beginning of Dragon Ball GT they reach Super Saiyan Blue levels of power.

The Demon Gods(including the Avatars)in the Dragon Ball Hero games are here and they are stronger than Dabura. They are the creators of the Yoma.

3. Bardock convinced the Saiyans of Freiza’s evil and there are enough survivors for the Universe Seven Saiyans to not be on the edge of extinction or need to breed with other species to survive. The Saiyans reform and work on getting revenge on Freiza. Bardock becomes a mixture of his original incarnation in the Dragon Ball Z Special and his Dragon Ball Super incarnation with his powers and character development.

4. The main cast are children when you start the story and become teenagers when you go into the later parts of Dragon Ball and Senran Kagura proper. All the characters are still teenagers when you go into Dragon Ball Z and their mid twenties to early thirties when you go into Dragon Ball Super. In Dragon Ball GT they reach their 40’s.

5. Nappa and Raditz survive the Saiyan Saga and change for the better.

Saiyans and Shinobi Part 2: The Powers and Abilities of the Main Cast.

At the beginning Goku is as strong as he is at the start of Dragon Ball but gets everything that he can do officially across the franchise and more. From Senran Kagura Son Goku learns how use the energies of Yin and Yang and Senran Kagura Ninjutsu and Ninja scrolls.

When Goku transforms into a Ozaruu for the first time, the gang decide not to tell him that he crushed his grandpa. But when Goku goes Ozaruu at the Tenkaichi Budokai they tell Goku the truth and he understands that he killed his grandpa so he keeps his tail, works to master the Oozaru form and the powers within him as both self expression and atonement.

Due to his even harder work ethic Son Goku eventually gets everything that he has officially from across the franchise. He gets everything from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and the Dragon Ball Super Anime and Manga. That includes the Anime, the movies, special’s, filler arcs, and video games. All the transformations that that Son Goku gets officially are composites of the transformations at their best from across the franchise.

In the Buu Saga Goku’s arc when dealing with the beast within comes to a close when Goku learns about Super Sayian 4 from Old Kai and works to master it. Son Goku reaches Golden Ozaruu, masters Super Sayian 4, and goes into Super Full Power Sayian 4 to destroy Kid Buu and save the universe. Son Goku reaches Super Sayian 4 Limit Breaker between the events of the Buu Saga and Super.

In Dragon Ball Super Goku gains all the transformations and abilities he has in both the Anime and Manga of Dragon Ball Super without drawbacks as he trained to overcome them.

Son Goku also gains the remaining powers of his inspirations Sun Wukong from Journey to the West and Hanuman from the Ramayana aside from their immortality and invulnerability. Son Goku also gets the equipment and weapons that the Gold and Silver Horned Kings had in Journey to The West and the weapons and equipment of Sun Wukong.

If I missed anything Sun Wukong could do in Journey to the West, Goku learns it.

Super Strength: Sun Wukong at his weakest could easily lift one ton and kill a tiger in a single strike right after breaking in half the mountain he was imprisoned under for 500 years. He could have lifted the mountain off him if The Buddha didn’t place a binding seal on it.

Not Quite Flight: Sun Wukong's cloud jumping allows him to reach the Celestial Heavens in one jump or cross an ocean. Sun Wukong is able to cartwheel halfway across the world in a single leap. Though he is capable of actual flight as well.

Nigh Invulnerable and Complete Immortality:

Sun Wukong took in multiple immortality inducing substances when just one would have given him immortality. Sun Wukong after training under a Taoist Sage became functionally immortal and after that he wrote his name and the names of his subjects out of The Book of Life and Death, ate the Peach Fruit of Immortality, drank The Heavenly Wine of the Jade Emperor and ate Laozi’s Pills of Immortality.

Sun Wukong survived being burned alive by a Fire that can kill immortals for 48 days and became even stronger with the elixirs of immortality hardening in his body and he survived having a mountain dropped on him by The Buddha. During The Journey to The West Sun Wukong after eating the Human Faced Fruit became even more immortal. Sun Wukong is fairly fireproof with him being immune to regular and Heavenly Fire with only The True Fire of Samadhi able to hurt him. Even most Demonic Weapons were useless against him.

Sun Wukong after the Journey to the West ascended into the Heavens as a Buddha becoming completely immortal.

Self-Duplication: One of Wukong's signature moves has him pulling out a bunch of his hair and blowing on them, resulting in each hair turning into a clone of him.

Goku can duplicate with the Multiform technique but it divides the strength of the user in proportion to the amount of copies. Son Goku masters both Duplication techniques but uses Sun Wukong’s version as it did not drain Wukong.

Enlightenment Super Powers: Wukong’s magic comes from studying Taoism and learning the secrets of the universe from his master and through intense training.

Son Goku in cannon gains a form of enlightenment by mastering his life force and Ultra Instinct. In this story Goku learns to use the energies of Yin and Yang with his Ki. Son Goku when he is goes through the Senran Kagura Arcs unlocks and masters actual chakras from Hinduism and Buddhism via Buddhist meditation and Yoga and learns Senran Kagura Ninjutsu.

Goku masters Dragon Ball Magic and Taoist Magic after years of intense training and study when he is training with Kami and gains some of Sun Wukong’s abilities.

Voluntary Shapeshifting: Allegedly 72 transformations, but in fact he can transform into whatever he likes.

Goku is the king of transformations with the Ozaruu form, Kaio-Ken, and the Super Saiyan transformations.

Goku ends up getting more transformations because of Ninja Scrolls and Senran Kagura Ninjutsu and he gets all the transformations of Sun Wukong when studying Taoism.

Goku also masters the Ozaruu form, the Kaio-Ken, and Goku gets all his official transformations and techniques from across the entire franchise.

Mind over Matter: Sun Wukong is capable of telekinesis, and can make inanimate objects come to life.

Goku’s ki gives him Telepathy and Telekinesis!

Trade Mark Weapon: Sun Wukong had an indestructible staff called the Ryui-Jingu-Ban that could expand and retract, change size, and stretch long enough to give Sun Wukong a bridge to Heaven and under the Dragon King of the Western Seas it could control the world’s Ocean's and Tides and it was able to both measure and hold down the Milky Way Galaxy.

Goku's Power Pole eventually gains those abilities.

World's Greatest Warrior: At the start of his adventures Sun Wukong defeated The Monstrous King of Havoc, the heavenly army of 100,000 strong, The Mighty Spirit God, The 4 Heavenly Kings, The 28 Constellations, Nezha the Lotus Prince, and proved himself the equal of Erlang Shen.

Sun Wukong again ripped through heaven's greatest champions and not just survived everything they could throw at him but HE GOT STRONGER. By the time he was punished by The Buddha he was on the brink of becoming The Emperor of Heaven. During the journey, Sun Wukong is able to fight and defeat just about everyone including The Dragon of the Heavens.

Goku has fought Gods, Demons, Androids, Aliens, and in Dragon Ball GT Goku fought Dragon's and is the greatest warrior in the universe in that timeline.

Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence: After the events of Journey to the West Sun Wukong ascended into the heavens as a Buddha.

Son Goku gains the power of a god in Dragon Ball Super because of God Ki and the Super Sayian God Forms. Son Goku at the end of Dragon Ball GT ascended to a higher plane of existence.

In this story Son Goku gains God Ki, becomes a Super Saiyan God, and ascends to a higher plane of existence at the end of the story.

Magic Eyes: Sun Wukong had special eyes that could see through all lies, disguises, transformations, and illusions. They could shoot laser beams all the way to Heaven but they had problems with smoke.

Son Goku after years of practicing martial arts and magic in this story has his eyes gain those supernatural powers along with his sensing abilities but without the weaknesses of Sun Wukong’s.

Instant Mastery: Sun Wukong could master any spell or technique with the bare minimum of instruction after seeing it once.

Goku can master any technique if he is taught the basics.

Speaks fluent animal: Sun Wukong could talk to and command Horses.

In this story Son Goku gets his own Ninja Scroll and Animal Summons and it is a Monkey who teaches him how to talk to animals.

Super Not Drowning Skills. Sun Wukong could survive Underwater without oxygen.

Intangible Man: Sun Wukong could phase through Metal and Rock unhindered.

Here is Hanuman’s profile and abilities.

Hanuman is one of the supporting characters in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. Hanuman is the son of Vayu the Wind God and is one of the kind and cheerful Vanara who befriends Rama and Lakshmana.

Celibate Hero: Hanuman was not interested in having relationships, so he swore an oath of eternal Brahmacharya. This is not the case in the Thailand versions as he has a romance with the mermaid Suvannamaccha and conceives a son with her.

Son Goku was not interested in romance until he married Chi-Chi.

Dating Catwoman: In the Thai versions Hanuman has a romance with Ravana's daughter, Suvannamaccha, after she becomes his opponent for a time. His wooing of her and explaining the reason for the war on her father spurs her to turn good.

Goku has turned his enemies into his allies in cannon and in this story Goku has formerly Evil Ninja in his harem.

All-Loving Hero, Nice Guy, and Humble Hero: Hanuman is humble to a fault. He never told Rama about himself. He leaves the venue out of embarrassment when the Sage Agastya starts telling Hanuman's backstory to Rama. Hanuman is of a very amiable personality.

Goku is humble and kind to a fault. He is pure of heart and usually gives people a second chance.

Monkey King Lite: Hanuman isn't the same as Sun Wukong, but you can see the similarities. Some scholars think Sun Wukong may have been influenced by Hanuman. Tales and artwork of Sun Wukong can be traced back to about 1000 years and the Ramayana is even older.

Goku is this trope.

Story-Breaker Power, Superpower Lottery, and World's Strongest Man: As a child Hanuman was blessed by the gods with Complete Immortality, shapeshifting, absolute invulnerability, super strength, perfect health, immunity from diseases, fire and drowning. Hanuman is so strong that he can lift entire Himalayan mountains and fly all the way to Lanka in one night. Hanuman is even immune to the Brahmastra, which is equivalent to a nuke.

Goku is so strong that he can take on almost anyone. He has Energy blasts, Super transformations, flight, teleportation, a healing factor, can recover from grievous wounds and get stronger and has only been sick twice. In Dragon Ball GT Goku is the universe’s strongest in that timeline.

All the characters from the Dragon Ball and Senran Kagura series end up gaining all their cannon powers and abilities. The Senran Kagura girls must train under Master Roshi, The Crane Hermit, Mister Popo, Kami, King Kai, and the Z Fighters to learn their techniques and reach new levels of power. They also have their potential unlocked to keep up. Some drink The Ultra Divine Water and survive, some have their potential awakened by Grand Elder Guru of Namek, and others go through the ritual of Old Kai.

But the Saiyans gain greater power.

When Raditz turns good he reaches Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 4, Super Sayian God and Super Sayian Blue and Super Sayian Blue Perfected.

When Nappa turns good he gets Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, and the power ups in the MasakoX video series What if Nappa turned Good?

Vegeta gets everything he has officially across the franchise.

Broly is his Dragon Ball Super self but gets everything that he has officially from both his Z and Super counterparts.

Saiyans and Shinobi Part 3: Parings. Son Goku unknowingly at first being Son Goku gets a harem made up of these girls: Chichi, Asuka, Hibari, Heruka, Hikage, and Homura. In time Goku keeps them all happy and has kids with all of them. Krillin gets with Android 18, and Vegeta gets with Bulma.

Raditz gets with Launch and has two daughters and two sons with her.

The rest of the Dragon Ball cast find love interests from the Senran Kagura girls and the Senran Kagura cast find love from the Dragon Ball series or from their home franchise.

Saiyans and Shinobi Part 4: Character portrayals. Everyone is as cannon like as possible with some exceptions. Son Goku is himself at first but gets an education albeit with difficulty and through character development becomes a hero who inspires people to be better like in the original English Dub. Nappa and Raditz survive the Sayian Saga and change for the better and get stronger because of it.

Saiyans and Shinobi Part 5: The Ending and The Legacy Of Goku.

After Goku, his harem, and the Z Fighters win the Tournament of Power and face the Super version of Broly and put down Freiza. Goku, Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa train the Saiyans to reach the Super Saiyan transformations, to use magic, the energies of Yin and Yang and proper Ki control to defend the universe when they are gone and Goku also trains Uub to protect Earth when he is done.

After a time skip the events of Dragon Ball GT play out albeit somewhat altered except for the regular Earth and Namek Dragon Balls having their GT dark side and the final episodes and ending.

The team must collect the Black Star Dragon Balls from across the universe because the Pilaf Gang made a wish on them. Now because of the cast overusing Earth’s Dragon Balls the Shadow Dragons are born and rampage across the Earth and they create a rift connecting Earth to Hell furthering the damages to the planet and the gang have to clean house.

After Goku and his companions defeat the Shadow Dragons, Goku has to leave with Shenron to prevent people from relying on the Dragon Balls until the Earth can stand on its own.

To help Earth evolve Krillin and Tien bring back the Turtle and Crane Houses of Martial Arts.

Nappa, Raditz, and Vegeta also open their own school of martial arts.

Piccolo goes to Namek to train up his kin to teach his fighting style and to reach his level of power.

Gohan when he is born and grows up writes the Ki Manuel’s from Dragon Ball Online and builds his own martial arts school with all the various techniques and paths to enlightenment Gohan and his father learned as it’s teachings to help Earth grow. The Senran Kagura girls open their own martial arts and Ninja schools for the same purpose.

What happens to Goku and his legacy is something special. Goku over the years is given proper credit for his adventures on Earth and across the universe. Much to his dismay

Goku became one of the youngest martial artists to ever become a finalist in The Tenkaichi Budokai and destroyed the Red Ribbon Army along with defeating several demons with investigators finding out the truth. When King Piccolo rampages Son Goku defeats him and people were their to report the incident as their were cameras and it was live and Son Goku is given credit.

After an interview Son Goku reveals the truth of the Red Ribbon Army’s fall and is rewarded for defeating the Red Ribbon Army but keeps the Dragon Balls a secret. During the Senran Kagura arcs, Goku was the one who slayed Orochi and The First Yoma and the Shinobi world owes Goku. Son Goku wins The Tenkaichi Budokai and after defeating Piccolo Jr. Goku is seen as a hero. In the Cell Saga Goku defeats Perfect Cell and is rewarded for his efforts.

At the end of the story Son Goku is hailed as the Greatest Martial Artist of All Time. Because of his exploits Son Goku becomes a legendary hero who saved the world multiple times. Some Hindu’s think that Goku was an avatar of Hanuman and some Buddhists think that he was a reincarnation of Sun Wukong. Which is truer than people think.

When Goku, Shenron, and the Earth’s Dragon Balls left the mortal world Goku, Shenron, and the Earth’s Dragon Balls ascend to a higher plane of existence. .

Son Goku when he left the mortal world evolved into something more than a Supreme Kai, a God of Destruction, or a Super Saiyan God. Because after he left Son Goku gains the Immortality and Invulnerability of both Hanuman and Sun Wukong. Goku becomes an Immortal and Invulnerable Warrior God who will protect the Universe but only when truly needed.

To the Aliens of his universe, Son Goku is Kakarot, the son of the Sayians prophet and one of the Super Sayians who showed the Sayians and the universe what can happen if you are good and go beyond your limits and is a hero who defeated the worst monsters from across the cosmos.

Among the Gods, Son Goku is a warrior who through hard work surpassed Gods and achieved a level of enlightenment. And because of his adventures Goku became seen as a hero to his universe and at the end of his adventures gained immortality.

That is The Legacy of Goku.
12/12/2020 c18 Sayians4ever
Aside from the Draco in Leather Pants you gave Nabiki I honestly like this story. It has potential.

Now I have to ask. Do you take requests for stories? Because I have one that you may like. It is big though so I will have to send it later.
4/5/2020 c18 Madmagusmax
I have to ask, do you take requests? Because I have one that you may like.

It is a Dragon Ball series and Ikkitousen crossover. If you take up this idea take each series of Dragon Ball as one story at a time while still being a crossover with Ikkitousen.

The story series is rated T to M.

Sayians and Dragons, The Power of a Thousand Part 1: The World of The Story.

The world is a merger of the Ikkitousen and the Dragon Ball World with Goku still a Sayian who is just starting his adventures and when he meets Kokin and Hakufu who are children and eventually the rest of the Ikkitousen cast who end up helping Goku on his path and his adventures when you go into Goku’s teen years and into Ikkitousen proper before Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super.

But their are three twists involved with the original Dragon Ball series.

1. All the Gods of Earth’s mythology and religions are real. This must happen when you go into Dragon Ball Super as that part of the Dragon Ball series is all about gods and divinity. When the Gods of myth and legend get involved make them have all the abilities of their legends and all their pop culture counterparts and their various incarnations and the characters that they inspired in pop culture and are as powerful from the viewpoint of the ancient cultures that worshipped them and can do anything that can be imagined with their spheres of influence but a creator deity of a mythology and religion is virtually omnipotent. Their only weaknesses are the ones found in their original religions and mythologies.

The reason why many of the Gods of Earth are no longer active is because that after the Age of Myths and Legends they developed a non interference policy on the mortal world; at least for those that are still around. Some pantheons have moved on and gone into uncharted waters and created their own universes outside of Zeno’s authority and their universes are what the ancient people thought the universe was. All of the Gods of legend have ascended to a higher plane of existence beyond anything we have seen in Dragon Ball by mastering and perfecting both the Magic of their religions and Dragon Ball Magic along with Ki.

How the influence of the Gods of Mythology being real applies to Kami and The position of The Guardian of Earth is this. The Guardian of Earth is thought to be the Monotheistic God but is nowhere as powerful as people think. The position of Guardian of Earth is one that all the Gods of Earth created to act as a messenger as well as be their emissary and ambassador to the Kai’s and Xeno and be the protector of the earth but the Guardian is still mortal hence why their are multiple Guardians but they all have God Ki. Also Shin and Old Kai are not the only surviving Supreme Kai’s from Majin Buu’s rampage. The Supreme Kai Avatars in Dragon Ball Heroes are here as actual characters and allies to the protagonists and they eventually become much stronger than Shin and Dabura. The Demon God Avatars in the Dragon Ball Hero games are here and they stronger then Dabura.

2. The main cast are children when you start the story and become teenagers when you go into the later parts of Dragon Ball and into Ikkitousen proper. All the characters are still teenagers when you go into Dragon Ball Z and their early to mid twenties when you go into Dragon Ball Super. It would allow Goku, Hakufu, and Kokin to bond and be true friends and Hakufu and Kokin can get tougher than in cannon by learning other martial arts styles. This really helps when you get into Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super and the rest of the gang also get more powerful to help.

3. All the Sayians in the Sayian Saga survive and turn good. Raditz turns good and evolves in power to keep up with Goku and Vegeta until he reaches Super Sayian 4 and he gets with Launch and has children with her.

Nappa turns good and settles down with a lady and reaches Super Sayian and Super Sayian 2 but no more.

Sayians and Dragons, The Power of a Thousand Part 2: The Growth of The Cast. Everyone is as cannon like as possible in their personalities and development.

Now here is the growth of the Ikkitousen cast. All the characters of Ikkitousen gain all their cannon powers and abilities but here is more so that they can keep up. You must make the Ikkitousen crew seek out and train under Master Roshi, The Crane Hermit, Korin, Mister Popo, Kami, King Kai, the other Z Fighters and having their potential unlocked by Grand Elder Guru and going through the ritual of The Old Kai to awaken more of their hidden power and potential and have the last of their potential unlocked by drinking The Ultra Divine Water and they all survive!

Sayians and Dragons, The power of a Thousand Part 3: The Powers of Son Goku.

For Goku’s growth give him everything he has officially from across the franchise. Everything from all the movies, the manga, and the anime including filler that Goku has from Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and all the various forms Goku has from all the movies, the manga, and the anime. Now when the Ikkitousen cast tell Goku that he turned into a Oozaru and what he did to the Pilaf Gang’s Castle he realizes that he killed his grandfather and seeks to master that power as his form of atonement as well as self expression. When you go into the Android Saga Goku perfects Super Sayian and in the Cell Saga he unlocks Super Sayian 2. Son Goku now knows the danger of looking at the full moon and will continue to work until he controls and ultimately masters the primal powers within himself.

When you go into the Buu Saga Goku gains Super Sayian 3 and learns about Super Sayian 4 during the Buu Saga from Old Kai and works to gain it and ends up mastering the Golden Oozaru form and he reaches Super Sayian Four and then goes several steps beyond by going into Super Full Power Saiyan 4. After further training Son Goku reaches the same level of power he had at the end of Dragon Ball GT at his best during the Buu Saga to destroy Kid Buu and save the Universe before going down the events of Dragon Ball Super. In Dragon Ball Super Goku gains and absorbs the God Ki and keeps it and obtains the Super Sayian God Form and Super Sayian Blue, and all the various forms in Dragon Ball Super in the anime and manga.

Goku also gets Super Sayian Blue Kaio-Ken, Perfected Super Sayian Blue, and Goku can use Hakai like in the Dragon Ball Super Manga, Ultra Instinct Omen, and Ultra Instinct Sign and eventually fully masters Ultra Instinct without many of his drawbacks as Goku as he trained to overcome those weaknesses. Goku will have transcended his primal roots and ascended into divinity and would be the ultimate non legendary Super Sayian.

Son Goku also gains the powers and abilities of his inspirations Sun Wukong from Journey to the West and Hanuman the Hindu Ape God from the Ramayana.

Here are the powers of Sun Wukong. If I have missed anything that Sun Wukong can do in Journey to The West, Son Goku learns to do it.

Super Strength: Sun Wukong's trade mark Compliant Staff is extremely heavy. Sun Wukong at his weakest could easily lift one ton and kill a tiger in a single strike after being imprisoned under a mountain for 500 years right after breaking the mountain he was imprisoned under in half. He could have lifted the mountain off him if the Buddha not placed a binding seal on the mountain.

Son Goku cannot naturally bust mountains with brute force unless he goes Super Sayian or with energy blasts. In time he eventually can in this story!

Not Quite Flight: Sun Wukong's cloud jumping allows him to reach the Celestial Heavens In a Single Bound or cross an ocean. Though he is capable of actual flight as well. Sun Wukong is able to cartwheel halfway across the world in a single leap.

Goku can fly and teleport anywhere he can sense energy. He gains all the mobility of the Monkey King and his flight and teleportation abilities.

Nigh Invulnerable and Complete Immortality: Sun Wukong after training under a Taoist Sage became functionally immortal and after that he wrote his name and several of the names of his subjects out of The Book of Life and Death becoming doubly immortal then he ate the fruit of immortality, the heavenly wine of the Jade Emperor and the pills of immortality. Sun Wukong survived being burned alive by a Fire that can kill immortals and became even stronger with nearly invulnerable steel like body with the elixir of immortality hardening in his body and after that he survived having a mountain dropped on him by the Buddha himself. The reason the Buddha dropped a mountain on him is because the gods failed in outright destroying him. Also when Sun Wukong was on his journey he found and ate the human faced fruit that made him even more Immortal and became truly and completely immortal when he ascended into the Heavens as a Buddha.

Son Goku can take quite a bit of damage and as a Sayian he can keep his youth to keep fighting until he turns eighty and has come back from the dead more than once and so has some of his friends and enemies.

Self-Duplication: One of Monkey's signature moves has him pulling out a bunch of his hair and blowing on them, resulting in each hair turning into a clone of him. But it did not drain the Monkey King.

Goku can do that as well with the Multiform technique but it divides the strength of the user of the technique in proportion to the various amounts of copies. Son Goku learns to master both self duplication techniques but moves on and uses Sun Wukong’s version as it did not drain Wukong.

Enlightenment Super Powers: Wukong’s magic comes from studying taoism and learning the secrets of the universe from his master.

Son Goku also gains a form of enlightenment in cannon by mastering his life force. Goku gets all and in this story Goku learns to use Chi, the energies of Yin and Yang along with his Ki and Son Goku also ends up studying magic and unlocks and masters his chakras via Buddhist meditations and Hindu Yoga exercises with his cannon powers and gains new powers by studying Taoism and Dragon Ball Magic.

Voluntary Shapeshifting: Allegedly 72 transformations, but in fact he can transform into whatever he likes.

Son Goku is the king of transformations with the Ozaruu form, the Kaio-Ken and the various Super Sayian transformations. Son Goku gets all the transformations of Sun Wukong when studying Taoism and Son Goku masters the Ozaruu form, the Kaio-Ken and ends up getting all of his official transformations including all his official Super Sayians transformations from across the entire franchise.

Mind over Matter: Sun Wukong is capable of telekinesis, and can make seemingly inanimate objects come to life.

Goku’s ki gives him Telepathy and Telekinesis!

New Powers as the Plot Demands: Monkey has a tendency to suddenly reveal often one-off powers or abilities without previous mention that conveniently solve the current problem.

How many times did a Goku pull a victory out of nowhere?

Trade Mark Weapon: Sun Wukong had an indestructible staff called the Compliant Staff aka the Ryu-Jingu-Ban that could expand all the way to the Heavens and retract and change it’s size. Under the Dragon King of the Western Seas it could control the worlds Ocean's and the Tides, was indestructible, and was able to measure and hold down the Milky Way Galaxy.

Make sure Goku's Power Pole has those same abilities but Goku's Power Pole operates on mechanics like Mjölnir from its incarnation in Marvel Comics with only the pure of heart can lift and use.

World's Greatest Warrior: Sun Wukong ate the start of his adventures defeated the 5 heavenly kings, four Constellations, three celestial armies, Nezha the Lotus Prince, and proved himself the equal of Erlang Shen. Sun Wukong then fought the heavenly army of 100,000 strong at the same time, ripped through heaven's greatest champions and not just survived everything they could throw at him, but HE GOT EVEN STRONGER. By the time he was punished by the Buddha he was on the brink of actually becoming the Emperor of Heaven himself. During the journey, Wukong is able to fight and defeat just about every Mook, Elite Mook and the Dragon of the Heavens, each said to fight like a god himself.

Goku has fought Demons, Aliens, Androids, Gods, Dragon's, and in Dragon Ball GT Goku is the world’s greatest warrior in the universe in that timeline.

Ascended to a Higher Plane of existence: Sun Wukong after the events of Journey to the West ascended into a Buddha.

Son Goku does something similar as he is going to become a physical god and Goku ascends to a higher plane of existence at the end of Dragon Ball GT.

Magic Eyes: Sun Wukong had special eyes that could see through all lies and illusions but had a little problem with smoke getting into them and they could also shoot laser beams all the way to Heaven.

Speaks fluent animal: Sun Wukong could talk to animals. Horses to be precise.

Speaking of new powers Goku also gains all the powers of Hanuman the Hindu Ape God.

Hanuman is one of the supporting characters in the Hindu Indian epic story the Ramayana. In the Ramayana Hanuman is one of the kind and cheerful Vanara who first befriends Rama and Lakshmana.

The Vanaras literally are a race of anthropomorphic monkeys capable of human speech. In the Ramayana they serve as the main allies of Rama, helping him in his quest to rescue Sita. Hanuman is the son of Vayu, the Wind God and is Sugriva's best friend. From then on, Hanuman becomes a superhero, always helping Rama and Lakshmana when needed the most.

Nice Guy, Humble Hero, and All-Loving Hero: Hanuman is extremely humble, caring and friendly. Hanuman is humble to a fault. He never told Rama about himself and even leaves the venue out of embarrassment when the Sage Agastya starts telling Hanuman's backstory to Rama. Hanuman is of a very amiable personality. Something Rama and Sita appreciated very much.

Goku is humble, not taking credit for his achievements, kind, pure of heart and is always going to give a second chance.

Celibate Hero: Hanuman was not interested in having relationships, so he swore an oath of eternal Brahmacharya. However in the versions in Southeast Asia such as Thailand, he has a romance with the mermaid Suvannamaccha and conceives a son with her.

Son Goku was not really interested in romance until he married Chi Chi.

Dating Catwoman: In the Thai versions in particular, he has a romance with Ravana's daughter, Suvannamaccha, after she becomes his opponent for a time. His wooing of her and explaining the reason for the war on her father spurs her to pull a Heel–Face Turn.

Goku has turned his enemies into his allies in cannon and in this story Goku can potentially have Ryofu Housen the series bad girl in his harem.

Monkey King Lite: Hanuman isn't the same as the Chinese Monkey King Sun Wukong, but you can see the similarities. Some scholars think Sun Wukong may have been influenced by Hanuman. Monkey King Lite is characters who were influenced by Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong can be traced back to about 1000 years, and the Ramayana is even older.

Son Goku is this Trope!

Story-Breaker Power: Hanuman is immune to even the Brahmastra, which is equivalent to a nuclear weapon. He can fly all the way from Lanka to the Himalayas, uproot entire mountains and return to Lanka with the entire mountain in just one night.

Goku is so strong that he can take on almost anyone and win! He has Energy blasts, Super powerful transformations, flight, teleportation, has a healing factor, can recover from grievous wounds and get stronger, be immune to radiation, has only been sick twice and Goku in Dragon Ball GT is the strongest warrior in the universe in that timeline!

Superpower Lottery: As a child, Hanuman was blessed by the gods with Complete Immortality, shapeshifting, absolute invulnerability, super strength, perfect health and immunity from diseases, fire and drowning.

See above.

World's Strongest Man: Hanuman is so strong that he can lift entire Himalayan mountains and fly all the way to Lanka in one night.

See above.

Son Goku would come full circle on his development as a character and his abilities go even further by drawing more from his original inspirations. Son Goku would be the ultimate non Legendary Super Sayians and can serve as an example of what Universe 7 Sayians could have been and eventually has more powers from his inspirations. Because of this Goku is always a couple steps ahead of Vegeta.

Sayians and Dragons, The Power of a Thousand Part 4: Parings.

Goku unknowingly at first being Goku gets a harem with Chi Chi, Hakufu, Ryofu Housen, Kanu Uncho(Kanu is Bisexual in the Manga and in the English translation of the Manga was seen flirting with Koukin), and Gentoku Ryubi. Shinmei Ryoumou gets with Shishi Ouin, Yamcha gets with Chouhi after breaking up with Bulma. Koukin gets with Ekitouku, Bulma and Vegeta get together, Android 18 hooks up with Krillin. And Gohan gets with Videl. Other characters in the Ikkitousen cast can find love interests from either series so long as it fits their anime or manga cannon characters.

Sayians and Dragons, The Power of a Thousand Part 5: The Ending and the Legacy of Goku.

After Goku, the Z Fighters and some of the Cast of Ikkitousen win the Tournament of Power and face the Super version of Broly and put down Freiza they have to clean up the mess on earth because of overusing the Dragon Balls. The Shadow Dragons are born and run rampant on the Earth and they create a rift connecting the Earth to Hell furthering the damages to the planet. During this arc Goku gets all the remaining forms and transformations he has in Dragon Ball GT. After Goku and his companions defeat the Shadow Dragons, Goku has to leave the Earth with Shenron to protect the earth from people relying on the Dragon Balls and until the Earth can stand on its own without him and the Dragon Balls.

To help the Earth evolve Krillin and Tien bring back the Turtle and Crane Houses of Martial Arts, Gohan when he is born and grows up writes the Ki Manuel’s from Dragon Ball Online, also he goes to New Namek to make the last three wishes that anyone will make on any set of Dragon Balls for a century. The first wish is to repair the Junk DNA in the Human Body to help the human race grow. For example Humans do possess the Genes to regenerate limbs, however, they are heavily mutated and are considered Junk DNA: Anti Heat Shock Protein 60 and Fibroblast Growth Factor 20 are in both humans and certain types of Zebrafish and Salamanders. Those with the mutant variants of the gene only get scarring. For animals with the functioning genes the cells around the wound site revert to their embryonic state and reform the lost part. The second wish is to repair the Earth’s environment and biosphere and the third wish is to make the energies of Magic and Ki more accessible to humans. Finally Hakufu and the Ikkitousen Cast open their own martial arts schools.

What happens to Goku is something special. Goku is given credit for his accomplishment he is one of the youngest people to become a finalist in the World Martial Arts Tournament. During his adventures he takes down King Piccolo and is given credit as their were cameras and it was live and Goku wins a world martial arts tournament after defeating Piccolo Jr and is regarded as a hero. In the Cell Saga Goku defeats Perfect Cell and lives to tell the tale which he is rewarded for doing. At the end of the story Son Goku is regarded as a legend who helped save the world and some Hindu’s and Buddhists think that Son Goku is a Avatar of Hanuman the Hindu Ape God or is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong the Monkey King. Among the gods Goku is a hero who saved his planet and defeated some of the worst of his universe and helped save the multiverse. When Goku leaves Earth with Shenron he gains all the powers, invulnerability, immortality and abilities of Hanuman and Sun
1/23/2020 c18 mauricio11
hope you update soon
10/31/2018 c18 1silverstreak93242
Greetings, here's hoping that this review finds you well, and still writing! I just finished reading Vicissitude and am rather glad I gave it a chance to grab me, and pull me in! I enjoyed the plot, premise, and story line, and I must say, I am hoping that is story isn't dead, simply on hiatus until your muse finishes figuring out what to do next in the story! I am curious as to your having Ranma not being immune to heat, considering that the phoenix pill renders him immune to heat, even up to and including lava...I was just curious as to whether you made it so he didn't go through that part of the story line, or made the pill less effective regarding lava? As the author, that is totally up to you, I am just wondering! I am again, hopeful that you will be continuing this story at some point in the future, even if you don't have a definite ending planned at this point, after having to throw your original script out...if you are in the process of rewriting the story, then I look forward to reading the rewritten story! I also must say that in my honest opinion, though you gave Ku Lon a true mystical warriors death battle, with foregone result in her dying, I think honestly that in the end her demise was a little bit of a easy win for the bad guy, in this case Nyrissa, in that she didn't wind up with broken bones, or near death dealing injuries, and I am sure that she should have at least some of those after fighting Ku Lon, despite her magic shielding. I again, look forward to more of this story, and seeing how you tie all the relationships together for Ranma to be able to ultimately be happy, and wind up with the ones he already loves, and the ones he is coming to love, or should I say Care About, so that they all wind up with the one that has enough stamina to keep them all happy, and give Nodoka and Julia LOTS and LOTS of grandbabies! LOL, anyways, again, here's hoping that this LONG review finds you well, and still writing, and hopefully your doing great on whatever games your playing!
10/14/2018 c18 MilandaAnza
I know you’ve moved on to other stories but been on a Gold Digger binge and really enjoyed this hope you pick it up one day! I’m still of the opinion it was meant to end as a harem
Kas / Nab / Brit / Bri / Gin / Shei
10/9/2018 c18 zmanjz

Great story, but hurt? Ranma? Ay?
9/30/2018 c18 zaltran
Just read throught the entire fic again, what a great story. I hope your muse comes back and helps you write another chapter, I look forward to it.
7/13/2018 c18 Midgardsormr Jr
Whelp, Here we are again. I spotted a few problems so I have to repost. But once again I have to ask, are you up for it? Now this story is still a Final Fantasy XIV and Gold Digger crossover with the rating for this story has to still be T and the genre of this story has to be Adventure/Friendship with elements of romance and tragedy.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 1: Midgardsormr's powers and abilities. Midgardsormr has to gain all the powers from all his incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise and have the powers he had in his prime before going to Hydaelyn and making the pact with Mother Crystal and all the abilities the pact provided him and the strength he had in his prime before coming to Eorzea and Hydaelyn and gets even stronger in his second life. Midgardsormr has to obtain all the powers of all his incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise including the ones Midgardsormr teaches the player in his Final Fantasy VI incarnation as an Esper but also the ones from the Gold Digger Comics species of Dragons as well as the powers of the Dragon's of the Type Moon Universe and all the powers of Bahamut's incarnations from all across the Final Fantasy Franchise and non Final Fantasy appearance's, The powers of the Dragon Hordes of Final Fantasy XIV, and finally he masters all the skills of the Final Fantasy XIV Job system with all the skills of all the classes from all the games. Midgardsormr can also take a human form, and change his size and eventually all the powers of eastern and western dragons in traditional stories. However Midgardsormr still has the weaknesses of the Dragon's of Final Fantasy XIV and he has to train and work hard to obtain the powers of all his incarnations in the Final Fantasy series, and master the classes of the Final Fantasy XIV Job System and the ones he had in his prime before coming to Eorzea and Hydaelyn.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 2: The Beginning of the Story. This story should take place after Final Fantasy XIV Storm Blood and Heavens Ward. Midgardsormr is offered a chance to be reborn in the ancient past of another World by Hydaelyn which he takes and Midgardsormr is reborn and placed into an egg. Midgardsormr's egg is found out side of the city of Civ-Alpha and is taken in by Exthilion himself after wondering how a Dragon egg that is not one of the creation's of the Saurian's or a modified clone of Exthilion like the First Generation of Dragons is outside of Civ-Alpha or how it even exists. After the Dragons take control over Civ-Alpha Midgardsormr grows up alongside Tm'at and Dreadwing and they grow to be close friends before Dreadwing goes evil and learns how to use his new powers and relearn his old ones. Midgardsormr has to be more powerful than a Platinum Dragon and eventually Exthillion himself.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 3: Midgardsormr's Primary Adventures. After The Great Cataclysm occurs and when the dragon Arkanaton created the "Sleep of Stone" to put the entire draconic race into hibernation until the crisis had passed. Many did not survive and Arkanaton himself has never awoken. But after the Cataclysm Midgardsormr using his powers resurrects all of the Dragons who did not survive and finds and awakens Arkanaton himself, and others who were never awakened and he along with his old friend T'mat speak to the spirit of the Earth and learns that they have to migrate to another world as this is not their world anymore as the spirit of the Earth wants them gone and sees them as unnatural monsters and threatens to cause another natural disaster to wipe out the draconic race if they do not leave. Midgardsormr, T'mat, and Exthilion make the rest of the Dragon Race to migrate to Jade where Midgardsormr makes a covenant with the spirit of the Jade Realm to allow the draconic race to stay in the Jade Realm which the spirit of the Jade Realm allows and lets Midgardsormr have his freedom and restores his memories of his previous life and the knowledge and memories of his past life and gives him the powers of the Dragon's of the Type Moon Universe to act as one of the Jade Realm's protectors and the powers of Bahamut's incarnations from all across the Final Fantasy Franchise and the powers of all Midgardsormr's incarnations across the Final Fantasy Franchise and in popular culture and in Norse mythology.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 4: Midgardsormr's Secondary Adventures.
Midgardsormr has to become a Primogenitor of an entire race of Dragons by offer many Wurms and Drakes the opportunity to become the species of Dragons of both his lives which he is a hybrid of, The Dragon Hordes of Final Fantasy XIV, and The Gold Aether Dragons and also creating his own empire of Dragons that merges science and technology with magic and other mystical practices but his nation is an outlier unlike with the rest of the Jade Realm who do not adapt this synthesis. He must also be the one to become the father of magic and has spread his knowledge to the mortal races and all of dragon kind after learning and discovering almost all that their is to know about magic and has gotten even stronger over the centuries and over the years he spread the knowledge of the Final Fantasy XIV system of Magic, the Gold Digger System of Magic and the arts of combat of Hydaelyn in the Gold Digger universe.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 5: Midgardsormr's personality. Midgardsormr in his new life must be mischievous, care free, but also curious, compassionate, and rather mature for his age as a hatchling, but as he grows older he obtains the values of a mature man and becomes a more heroic character similar to Optimus Prime from the Transformers series(specifically Optimus Prime's incarnation in Transformers Prime). However when Midgardsormr get's the memories of his past life from the pact with the Jade Realms spirit and the powers of all of Bahamut's incarnations, the powers he obtained from the Pact with Hydaelyn, and the powers of the Dragons of Type Moon. Midgardsormr obtains his patient and enigmatic traits while also regaining his trademark patience and stoicism from Final Fantasy XIV and he speaks in a slow, deliberate monotone and exhibits archaic speech patterns that he uses in his position as Emperor of The Gold Aether Dragons and is once again the father of the dragon species of Final Fantasy XIV but this time in the Gold Digger universe of which he is the once again the progenitor of and which he is also King.

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 6: Parings. Midgardsormr has to eventually fall in love and mate with a female Dragon one of the Female Dragons from the Gold Digger comics like Jane or Sue and eventually has a son named Arthus who is his heir and Arthus falls in love and hooks up with D'bra, T'mat's daughter and they eventually get married and finally the Digger Sisters find their cannon love interests

Aether Dragons and Golden Dragons Part 7: Midgardsormr's impact on the Gold Digger's world. If you want to make a sequel series or take this story into Gold Digger's Cannon storylines Midgardsormr's impact of the Gold Digger world must be massive and when you go into cannon such as events that take place in the Jade Realm or circle around magic, the Dragon Race, and Dreadwing, Midgardsormr's legacy and impact must be felt throughout the sequel. To emphasis the legacy of Midgardsormr, Midgardsormr in the Gold Digger universe was the inspiration for the actual Midgard Serpent of Norse Mythology and for the inspiration of the legends and mythologies of dragons in the Far East on Earth. Midgardsormr when he hatched out of his egg in the early ages of Civ-Alpha brought Aether in the Gold Digger Universe. Midgardsormr also taught Merlin, The Wizard of Camelot everything he knew, and has fought the Umbra, an Eldritch abomination that seeks to devour all reality and with Midgardsormr's arrival in the Gold Digger Universe sees the Final Fantasy Multiverse as a tasty meal on more than one occasion. However in response to this Midgardsormr acts as one of the main defenders of both the Gold Digger and the Final Fantasy universes and helped found Agency Zero and their predecessors the Wonder Friends. Midgardsormr must play an active part in the arcs surrounding Dreadwing, The Dragon Race, Hydaelyn and Eorzea, Magic, and the Jade Realm. Midgardsormr's impact, legacy, and power is so massive that the mortal villains of the Gold Digger franchise are scared shitless of him! The only exception is Dreadwing as he took T'mat and Midgardsormr's decision to take the Dragons to the Jade Realm as an act of personal betrayal and Dreadwing is the only dragon who has the guts to constantly challenge Midgardsormr for his title of The Greatest Dragon of All Time and to try and take what he thinks as well deserved revenge. In those arcs as Midgardsormr has to become the expert and main authority of Magic and Dragon kind and a massive obstacle to the forces of evil as he has become a Godlike Dragon and is hailed as The Greatest Dragon Of All Time in both universes.
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