Just In
for after the fifth book

12/28/2013 c7 3FlockPack
the more common is entender
12/28/2013 c5 FlockPack
couldn't breathe before, and I mean it, I literately stopped breathing, sorry, had another not breathing moment
12/28/2013 c2 FlockPack

Bubba J: like that one main guy, he has a six pack
Jeff Dunham: *nods*
Bubba J: so what, I have a keg.
12/28/2013 c1 FlockPack
hun, you are a Edward/Jacob/Jack compared to me. volleyball is my worst sport too, we once did it for a whole semester! can you spell torture? don't ask about the Jack thing, it's a JD fan joke. wow there's
JT justin timberlake
JP james patterson
JD jeff dunham (or JeFaFa DunHam Dot Com)
JB Justin beiber (or dustbin beaver)
JB Jonas brothers

okay, i'll tell you the joke known to all JD fans and JD/BJ fans,
Bubba J: *dressed in vampire costumes*
Jeff Dunham: so, are you team Edward or team Jacob?
Bubba J: I go for team Jack Daniels!

BJ, the most loved alcoholic puppet. i'll just spurt out more of my creepy knowledge I have.

BJ: yeah, I don't like those twilight vampires like that one main o
6/28/2010 c11 awkweird ideas lead to. this
keep going dont abandon! its too good! i can't wait to see fangs face at the end of this!
1/7/2010 c11 4BlueWater626
I don't normally review after i put someone on alert but this...this is funny and good. If JP was half that funny, he would sell more copies.

The last line was just kidding right? XD

oh man, Fang is an idiot and i can see him really getting that jealous.
12/1/2009 c11 taylor
hey its really awsome
11/7/2009 c11 MichouT
i still love this story just update faster next time. i thought u had quit the story
11/7/2009 c11 GirlwithBlueBlood
OMG! This story is so good. I love the plot and everything!
11/7/2009 c11 faxgirl
11/7/2009 c11 Guest
i wonder wen max is gunna snap...
11/7/2009 c11 T.R.H. Harrier
11/7/2009 c6 T.R.H. Harrier
I love it! !
11/6/2009 c10 17bookworm1517
This is really good! Please please please keep writing!
10/31/2009 c10 detentionfree123
update son! good story!
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