Just In
for Penny and Sheldon's Beatle Medley

7/12/2023 c7 W
A great story that had a sudden death, too bad.
5/7/2015 c7 E
Wow. I was really enjoying this and then... where is the rest? I decided to go through the archive and found this story. It's a great concept that seemed to be heading towards an epic journey of self discovery for Sheldon and then... um well I feel as I've been teased and left wanting. I hope you are all right and it's just a case of writers block. Looking forward to the next instalment. Thanks.
2/13/2013 c6 Robert12774
Dumass !
4/1/2012 c7 6Halfred Askold

What happens next?

Rate: A But it could change if you don't write more... thought there was suppose to be 12?
4/1/2012 c6 Halfred Askold
Aw man!

Rate: A
4/1/2012 c5 Halfred Askold
When they all work for good there is no stopping them. And she loves Sheldon!

rate: A
4/1/2012 c4 Halfred Askold
Who knows if it will work...

Not bad.

Rate: A
4/1/2012 c3 Halfred Askold
Fantastic. I am glad that Leonard wants to help. Better friend. he loves both of them.

Rate: A
4/1/2012 c2 Halfred Askold

rate: A
4/1/2012 c1 Halfred Askold
Very nice.

Nice idea for chapters - song titles.

Rate: A
2/13/2012 c1 ANGELnDEVIL
12/7/2010 c7 stock2007
i've only just found this story it's sad you did not finish it as it was great
11/18/2010 c6 johanna
love it
11/18/2010 c4 johanna
kick ass chapter, loved Raj in this
11/18/2010 c2 johanna
wow! this is incredibly well written and interesting
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