Just In
for Thinking of You

10/24/2014 c1 tin-a-holic
Oh man that was so wickedly good! Kudos! Am I weird in hoping that there be a redemption piece following this one?
8/1/2009 c1 6fluteskickbrass
Ok, I usually HATE HATE HATE song fics... HOWEVER... this is my favorite song, and you actually did a really good job with it. If you want to hear a really good a capella version of this song, go to youtube and type in "Thinking of You SoCal Vocals". That video is the reason I fell in love with the song in the first place.

Again, really well done on the fic. I'm very impressed with how you wove the lyrics in with your story. Keep up the good work!
4/7/2009 c1 4MythStar Black Dragon
poor dg and cain

4/6/2009 c1 26Amorissy
I must admit that the idea is a bit of a shock. But it was very well written, and the emotions were very plain and raw, which is what you were going for, I'm sure. Beautiful piece (though I don't like the song) and I hope to see more from you!

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