Just In
for A World Without You

8/14/2019 c1 Mark
Just a word about the crossover between Sailor Moon and My Hero Academia you reviewed. Rei Hino's father doesn't appear in the original Sailor Moon manga or either anime series, only in the live-action version.
1/11/2018 c4 Mallon Schwarz
My favorite part was Ami when Nakamura called. It was so sad to me that Ami had to ask -her- if her own father would be at the exhibit. Then it was doubly insulting that she was invited to come look at his art so that she might buy it. Ugh.

And I think your Ami/Zoi is adorable.

Update this soon! :) -MS
1/11/2018 c3 Mallon Schwarz
Minako's part was the shortest, I think, but I really liked it. Her POV, even had you not used her name, would've been obvious to pinpoint! Good job.

So, Rei saw Jayden and thought she saw Kaidou. That should make for a very interesting conflict in the future. Haha.

And I could totally see Makoto in a fit of rage one second, only to come back and apologize. So true to her character.
1/11/2018 c2 Mallon Schwarz
Favorite line: 'but he was human, and MAN was a very significant sixty percent of that word'.

Second favorite line: 'That weathered old bitch'. lol

You know, it's one of those things where you would like to think that perhaps the girls wouldn't be so lonely had that not met Usagi, but damn it... they probably would've. It's amazing how one person can sometimes make all the difference, and you have captured that perfectly so far!

1/11/2018 c1 Mallon Schwarz
Um, why am I just now seeing this?

So, Kaidou is Jayden's brother? Interesting! And he missed his brother's wedding... oh, dear.

I think Makoto's portion in the beginning was my favorite just because it is so easy to imagine that scenario being in her future if she hadn't met Usagi.

Moving on to the next chapter! -MS
12/2/2016 c4 5littlegirlmadeof
Im so sad you never updated this :(
6/17/2016 c4 Reidite88
Continue pls
6/18/2015 c1 FrozenWindSkyWinter
Sooo.. I got a notification on my email, and was so excited that you have returned and you have new story, but may i know when are you going to continue this? will you continue this? please continue this. I love this story and my avatar says it all..
2/23/2015 c4 RD
I know it's been years, but please, please, please come back to this story! I love the premise of the whole thing. I also love how you made Jadeite Kaidou's brother. That in itself could be a standalone tale!

The way everyone has such mundane lives (despite how successful or unsuccessful each character is) is fascinating because it seems that they're all lacking something integral. Whether the missing component is Usagi or their soul mates, it gives the reader different avenues to go on.

So again, please continue with this!
8/5/2014 c4 Obviously slow
Yes since you never update you are incredibly slow or just don't care. You should let us know whether this is on hiatus or as I assume, discontinued.
11/10/2010 c4 8Anante
I seriously hope you are able to update this soon! Each romance has gotten me hooked but Rei and Jayden's has got me waiting with the most anticipation. Really great chapters so far!
8/16/2010 c4 9Through Darkness
No I don't feel like this is moving too slow, I find this incredibly fascinating. What a concept, what a vision...I'm hooked and I'd love to read an update. This is


Through Darkness and Light /|x|\
8/14/2010 c4 LishaVilla
Wow. I really really like this story, but you haven't updated in so long! I hope you get inspired to continue this soon, cause its becoming one of my favorites!
6/9/2010 c4 57SnowLion no Miko
I really like this story of yours! Your writing is so good! I can't wait for your next chapter. Keep up the great work!
3/17/2010 c4 Relyan
Awesome story. Even in the series, the girls all said that it was Serena who brought them together and changed their lives. Although I do think it absolutely wonderful that the should-have-been senshi and shitennou still manage to find each other. Even when destiny veers off course, some things never change. Awesome.
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