Just In
for Forbidden Love

5/10/2011 c2 4Poisondartz
Hi! I just started reading chapter 1&2 of your story and I think it's pretty cool.

I loved the way you introduced your story in chapter one. It was beautiful. I think this seriously deserves more review? :P

Also, you did a good illustrating ren's and hone's relationship in chapter, it was pretty realistic. Not many authors can do that well.

Anyway, thanks for writing a renxhone fanfic. Not many out there:[

I'll continue to review later! :D time! :D
12/30/2010 c18 Paul-Kun
uwaaaaah i love it so much...i want more fanfics with this couple but i found here only 2 =3=

and the sad end uwaaaaah TAT
2/9/2010 c18 31immature-girl
aw,i love it! it's so sad ;_;
1/3/2010 c14 Shizuno
oh i thought this is already complete XD anywayz glad you wrote this... i can't find ren/hone onna fics... they're such a cute couple ^^ and there's a lot of ren/ai fics which doesn't make sense to me because i can't see these 2 as a couple at all... =_=
12/1/2009 c14 20James Birdsong
11/26/2009 c14 11Wet-Toilet-Roll
Your story provides rather excellent imagery of the various scenes encountered in the story. Do upload more of the following chapters! Thanks for the read:) すごいのストリ!
11/25/2009 c14 18aiandren12
it seems like a good story but, i still like Ai and Ren better but, cool thanks
9/13/2009 c11 8HellzCrusader
oo nice. this is gonna be good.
8/7/2009 c10 8incensedance
Yay, you've updated quite a few chapters since the last time I read this story. And I get the feeling that there's going to be a lot more action from now on.

Ren and Hone-onna are such a cute couple!
7/23/2009 c9 3Atlantasan
Great Chapter!

Im soo happy with your history nn ...oh, and thanks for your review in my fanfic...

Good luck nn

Ps.: Mi english is so so nn"
7/1/2009 c6 The Scrawny Scarecrow
that was a great chapter!

hope you update soon!
6/30/2009 c6 5abby59
Ow, so cute. There are not many fics with Hone-Onna/Ren paring.
6/29/2009 c6 3Atlantasan
Oh n/n

I love it! nn xD Ren and Honne Onna are soo adorable together nn

Good luck!
5/24/2009 c6 Poetic-Bullets
It's alright ! Good luck with them !
5/21/2009 c5 The Scrawny Scarecrow
i love this story!

i've been searching for a hone-ona and ren fanfic for so long.

thank gawd i found this!

update faster!
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