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for Emily Von Trapp: The Forgotten Child

7/11/2021 c11 1reisova
4/21/2013 c11 Guest
Yes! Please! You have to you have me wanting more! I love the story and was rooting for Emily.
4/7/2013 c11 2som04
SEQUEL PLEASE :) xx great chapter, great story, loved your idea. hope there's more to come. :) keep up the great wok.

:) :)
4/4/2013 c11 A Light in the Night
That was a sad chapter :(. Maybe you could do an epilogue of important moments in Emily's life! When she reunites with her family, when she gets married, and when she has her first child! That would be so cool, because then you could also show how she mended her relationship with her father!
4/1/2013 c10 4xxxliesjee
You're so good! Thank you for writing this. It's so wonderful to read.
2/3/2013 c10 2som04
Another ace chapter, great work. Very touching, but really enjoyed reading it.
Great work, don't stay away to long ;)

:) :)
1/31/2013 c10 A Light in the Night
Poor Amy! That is so sad and awkward for Captain VonTrapp as well.
8/16/2012 c9 Guest
ahhh update soon i love this story
8/17/2012 c9 nette0602
Thank you for the update :) It was very nice
8/16/2012 c9 A Light in the Night
Oooohhh confrontation! I loved the cooking scene!
8/16/2012 c9 Honkytonkangel
woohoo go on Emily. Get her. Really liked this chapter. Kinda hoped for a breakthrough with the Captain and Emikly while they were in the kitchen, but maybe when the witch leaves. Look forward to what happens next.
8/6/2012 c8 nette0602
Very nice story! I would love to read more!
8/3/2012 c7 Guest
Glad to see that you've updated but I don't think the name Amy is or ever was popular in Germany. Especially in the 30s.

Just pointing it out. :)
8/4/2012 c8 A Light in the Night
Thanks for the chapter! I liked how Emily knew about the Leandler and how she tried to stop Maria from leaving. I especially loved the part about Emily's voice and the drama to come as foreshadowed by her glaring to the Captain at the end. Great job.
8/3/2012 c7 som04
I read this a while ago, and I'm happy you've returned so I can see how it ends. Great work and interesting plot, keep it up. Hope you'll be back soon. :):)
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