Just In
for Lili and Dragunov's 100 Drabbles

8/24/2014 c4 9NZUR1
I hate Hwo x Lili
7/3/2014 c3 Guest
Dragunov had a nosebleed?
3/30/2013 c6 14cngkyns
OMG to think I'd leave a VERY LATE OVERDUE to one of my FAVEFAVEFAVE draggy fanfic! T-T I'm so sorry!

I love this so much I noticed the changes.

PLEASE. PLEASE PUT UP MORE CHAPTERS. Even better, make until a hundred! Like the title! xD
4/15/2012 c6 16Snowy Ptarmigan
OMG? This is one of the most hilarious things I have even read in the history of fanfiction.NET! Poor Draggy and Kazuya, I feel for their predicament. I'd never want a diamond dice shoved down my throat!
4/15/2012 c1 Snowy Ptarmigan
Great chapter! rofl! I can just picture this whole scenario actually happening.
4/24/2011 c1 LovelyPinkAngel
*.* Fantastic! ... I love them! 3 ...
4/18/2011 c1 3xXDraggy15Xx
Sergei spoke. Thatissoawesome. xD

I was laughing when everyone else was looking at Lili and Drag.

"Hey! Listen Mister Russian Zombie! I. AM. TALKING. TO. YOU. Can't you talk like a normal, living, breathing human being?" Ooooh, that's quite offensive, Lili. xD
12/18/2010 c7 lemonz1998
xD ah, i 3 Transformice. Especially now with the presents :D I feel like you should know that my username is Probi xD Come stalk me sometime!
8/30/2010 c7 3breadbutterpudding
Where was that gun? :D

Next time I make an account for anything, I should just call it 'Insovietrussia' that is total epic win
8/30/2010 c6 breadbutterpudding
lol diamand dice? I want 'em! Great idea though when playing with Sergei XD

'Sergei could have wept, but he didn't, because he was too epic for that.' LOL I could have cried at that part!

Ending was beautiful- though I hope Asuka lived somehow... ^^;;
8/30/2010 c5 breadbutterpudding
Aww Lili's so sweet for trying! I was laughing throughout the entire thing XD

As for the person who tied up Sergei, I suddenly imagined the very awesome ninja-like Raven as the culprit lol
8/30/2010 c4 breadbutterpudding
Awesome for the Hworarang! Since I'm Korean!

I love how you translate everything the characters say to their original language~!
8/30/2010 c3 breadbutterpudding
Priceless XD but I guess this tactic works, lol Asuka ftw~

Double lol for Sergei's reaction
8/30/2010 c2 breadbutterpudding
I suppose Sergei isn't the type of person you notice so quickly in the room due to his lack of words lol~
8/30/2010 c1 breadbutterpudding
lol just read the first chapter and I'm laughing XD I think it started the moment Sergei started speaking, I just read it and went WTH HA HA HA HA HA! lol~
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