Just In
for The Alien from the Blue Lagoon

6/17/2023 c7 Guest
7/18/2019 c7 Slayer
please tell me this isnt the end i swear to god please
7/18/2019 c5 Slayer
Damb Ben you really were pissed off. though i feel wrong for shipping them since there cousins i gotta say Ben was BADASS in this story.
3/27/2018 c1 Basket in a Nutcase
11/27/2017 c2 2willam and jack and jake
11/27/2017 c1 willam and jack and jake
11/8/2017 c7 scorpin17
love it
5/10/2017 c5 3Zoommerfish
WAIT WAIT WAIT JUST A MINUTE, WHY didn't Ben go to the Omnitrix, HE ALWAYS goes for the Omnitrix, even in a situation like this.
5/3/2017 c7 guest
Pleae continue! I really love this story, it is really well paced. I love your writing style.
4/12/2017 c1 BloodMoon31
pleeeeeeeeease update!
12/9/2016 c5 Guest
You're are going to have to cut back on putting authors notes in the middle of your chapters it takes your readers out of the story.
12/2/2016 c7 jasongd
This Is very very good story congratulation I hope you will continue this can't wait for next chapter Bwen Forever
11/9/2016 c7 batgirl13
I really enjoyed it it is perfect I cant wait until you write the next chapter I love bwen!
11/5/2016 c7 batgirl13
New chap must have it
10/22/2016 c1 26Discreet Kitty
I like this so far. I can't wait to read wait happens next.
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