8/21/2014 c1 bnmama
Love it. I have dreams like this all the time with bad guys from movies and books. There's something incredibly sexy and WRONG about it that makes it so thrilling! Keep it up!
Love it. I have dreams like this all the time with bad guys from movies and books. There's something incredibly sexy and WRONG about it that makes it so thrilling! Keep it up!
8/1/2014 c1 Guest
please carry on i am enjoying this
please carry on i am enjoying this
11/7/2009 c1 cdnj0dhf09euf0-32
man, that was hawt. you should make this into a full-blown story. i love how well just s few actions can show everything about a person's intentions and inhibitions, like that last kiss. this one-shot really demonstrates that theme to the max. (my guilty pleasure? voldemolort hotness as VOLDEMORT, not Tom. Why? i better off not knowing).
man, that was hawt. you should make this into a full-blown story. i love how well just s few actions can show everything about a person's intentions and inhibitions, like that last kiss. this one-shot really demonstrates that theme to the max. (my guilty pleasure? voldemolort hotness as VOLDEMORT, not Tom. Why? i better off not knowing).
11/3/2009 c1 truthfully
i love your writing...heaps. there just arent enough voldemort/mione fics out there...may u always find the inspiration to write more:P because ur great at it
i love your writing...heaps. there just arent enough voldemort/mione fics out there...may u always find the inspiration to write more:P because ur great at it
10/12/2009 c1 AB
Frightening. But intriguing.
Frightening. But intriguing.
7/29/2009 c1
4The Fifth Turtle
I really like it! I love Hermione/Voldemort pairings, too. Any good girl/bad guy pairings are awesome.

I really like it! I love Hermione/Voldemort pairings, too. Any good girl/bad guy pairings are awesome.
5/17/2009 c1
OMG i loved it
you should add chapters i love it stories with Hermione and Voldemort because you just kno9w hermione has dark side

OMG i loved it
you should add chapters i love it stories with Hermione and Voldemort because you just kno9w hermione has dark side
4/22/2009 c1 Cook
I loved this!
And the ending makes you want to read more.
You should write more LV/HG (or TR/HG).
I loved this!
And the ending makes you want to read more.
You should write more LV/HG (or TR/HG).
4/21/2009 c1
Oh wow, you have got to write a companion piece to this; a full length story. Its just so good!

Oh wow, you have got to write a companion piece to this; a full length story. Its just so good!
4/19/2009 c1
Beautifully written, I like the tension between them. To tell the truth, How I imagined Voldemort to be was exactly how you had written him, He accepts what he is, and he uses peoples weakness' against them. For hermione, Like ron shes always took the back seat, And all she wants Is a bit of love. You could easily put a story behind this, creating a dark hermione, and I would hint on that you do. :) Murdur x

Beautifully written, I like the tension between them. To tell the truth, How I imagined Voldemort to be was exactly how you had written him, He accepts what he is, and he uses peoples weakness' against them. For hermione, Like ron shes always took the back seat, And all she wants Is a bit of love. You could easily put a story behind this, creating a dark hermione, and I would hint on that you do. :) Murdur x