Just In
for Catching Smoke

6/22/2013 c55 5quartzite shadow
Interesting! I look forward to reading the next update!
12/7/2012 c38 7artists
Not trying to offend you or anything but your story seems very unreal. :(
9/20/2012 c38 Guest
I love your story, but James would always choose the Marauders before Lily (in jk's interview) so Peter should appear a lot more and he is not a shite wtf!
8/10/2012 c21 Anonymous
Trelawny isn't meant to be a professor yet...
8/9/2012 c55 235
This is a bad copy of When the stars go blue by siriusisthebest. You even started this story wayyy after she published WTSGB.
4/18/2012 c55 tashalambert
OMG I just read this whoooollllleeee story and absolutely LOVE IT but you haven't updated in years and I really really really want to read more sooooooooo

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

4/16/2012 c22 OMFG
4/16/2012 c19 xXBlueStarXx
Hey!LOL,Sirius is so silly!'I THINK WERE MOVING!'LOL!Are James and lily EVER gonna get together?

Happy Writing,

The Girl Blackat
10/6/2011 c55 georgia
please please pleaseee can you update :D its ammazing !
4/11/2011 c55 13Isabelnecessaryonabicycle
LOVED IT! update soon! XD
3/13/2011 c55 WhenTheMoonShines
i love love love love love love this story and i really really wish ud right more! pleaseee! :D
1/16/2011 c55 lol978
are you going to write more i love this story
1/13/2011 c32 j
it seems peters vanished from the story
11/28/2010 c55 FantabulousPurpleOboe

I just got addicted to your story, and then you stop updating? NOT SINCE JUNE? Seriously, I'm crying inside. PLEASEE! GOOOO ON! That can't be the end!


11/25/2010 c55 6Graci-and-Cheri
I spent the whole day today reading this story, you had so better update!

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