Just In
for Red, White, and Black

11/11/2009 c1 Fumi Raisin
please update
8/28/2009 c1 3915thBurningFiddle
Itachi-playing a sax ? Yeah, I know it's not funny, but I'm laughing. Hard. ^-^This story idea ia interesting-even though our art kids are the sworn enemy of the band/orchestra kids, and half of the music stuff is over my head-I like it. So I`ll add it to my alerts, and eagerly await the rest of the story. e_e
8/21/2009 c1 kisaitaluvr
omg i love this story plz keep going
4/25/2009 c1 1Lady Comare
4/25/2009 c1 8Kaelyxta
Hi, good idea for story so far. Just something I noticed. I play in a band too, and I'm not sure if it's because there's other people in the band that are like, not important, so you don't mention them or something (if so, that's fine) it's just that, there's only 1 percussionist, 1 flute, and no french horns. There might be a bit too much bass - I think 1 tuba and 1 baritone sax might be enough, maybe 1 tuba can be switched to euphonium (not sure if it's right spelling). Perhaps more woodwinds and percussions (and french horns)?

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