Just In
for Obsessed Or In Love?

7/10/2019 c8 Frankie09
8/27/2018 c8 Guest
Update now, please!
9/8/2017 c8 Jenefair
Place update this I really want to see how Edward explains to Bella and everything that follows it.
8/20/2016 c8 i wonder
Would you consider putting this story up for adoption if your not going to update it?
12/27/2015 c8 2Kayleigh J
This was a really great concept, I can't believe you abandoned this story!
5/12/2015 c8 Guest
if you are going to write a story please complete it
1/31/2015 c8 120Bad Ass Female Fighter
This was getting good.
4/8/2014 c2 akiza
eu gostei ,vc deve continuar
7/8/2013 c8 AinsleyWright
PLease update soon. I can't wait till the enxt chpater. I really enjoyed this chapter.
3/1/2013 c8 1twiFan-1234
5/18/2012 c8 user1905637
Wow, what a great story! Please update soon, I really enjoy reading this!

Love, MsBitaboo
5/16/2012 c8 1ElleCullen17

btw are they all human?

3/4/2012 c8 1Lady Elena Bella Petrova
Love this story and chapter so far! hoping to read more later!
11/15/2011 c8 1LadyElena17
Love this story so far! hoping to read more!
8/13/2011 c3 2VeelaWishes
Please please please update :(. I know you've started another story but if anything, now that you're writing again, it's the prime opportunity to give this a little love! It's such a fantastic story and I love it and if you update I'll give you an *imaginary* oreo! This is the 150th review I think...such a special occasion calls for a chapter, no? You're a brilliant writer xXx
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