Just In
for You Can Tell Us Anything, Renesmee

3/1/2015 c2 4YaleAceBella12
Please write more...
6/2/2011 c5 i-love-jasper-cullen
6/18/2010 c2 maddison
r u hyper or somthing...u seem like it...
6/18/2010 c1 maddison
haha i like this chapter...:)
10/31/2009 c5 IceColdFireyAngel
Ah this story is brilliant. Love this fanfik loads. Update soon :D

10/24/2009 c5 4LittlexLongxBrownxHairedxAlice
9/12/2009 c4 yudithm
8/19/2009 c4 KendieV
awesome story idea!

i really like this plot, plz keep witing

this is great XD
8/13/2009 c4 1LIENA BEAN
more more more please ..

stuff like these are addictive . ;( tehe .

- alice .
8/13/2009 c4 Wolflover29
OMG Alice is one hell of a power shopper lol Very good chapter. I hope Edward doesn't hurt him too bad. But maybe he will surprise us and not over react at all. Oh who am I kidding its his only daughter of course he will lol update soon
8/13/2009 c4 spartangirl03
hahaha this is too funny , wonder what edward will do , and i won't be surprised if jasper end emmett get mad too...
8/12/2009 c4 3Culpeo Fox

I loved all of it! Even the parts I didn't write. It was good! Your good! Your amazing!


Can't wait to see where this is headed! Can't wait, honestly, it's been to long! lol.

Need help? You know where to find me.

(okay... not really... but you know how to message me! ;))


The chapter was good! It was great. I like it, and cannot wait for the next one. Sounds like I just repeated myself. lol.

YOu just forgot to put the difference in POV's from Edward's to Renesmee's. I was like, wait... Renesmee is running to Jacob's with Rosalie and Alice behind her. Meh, just a small mistake. But it was good.

-Simply Alice-
8/8/2009 c1 HPGSRGOT
im love it
6/28/2009 c3 shae8500
what? write more please...
6/23/2009 c3 babygirljen6
I cant wait to see what Edward does :D
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