Just In
for Expect the Unexpected, Manny's Story

3/30 c28 Fuzz79
To start out sich a douche bag, Manny turns into a good man at the end of the story. This is a wonderful story. Thank you so much
3/11 c28 Denisam
Dear Alf! I loved the story. Manny is a Doctor House type of sarcastic jerk who is lost in his own mind, Ranger is just lost in his own life, but very much so. And Steph is trying her wings, and when she puts the boys to sleep together, I cried laughing. By the way, Manny is proud of himself professionally, but if it wasn't for Steph and John's interest in him, he wouldn't have had a chance to integrate. I kind of felt sorry for Ranger because Steph and Manny quickly got to the perfect married illusion, but honestly? He's had a lot of chances, he's blown them all, and Morelli isn't the only guy in Trenton.
Even with Google Translate, you have very enjoyable one-liners. The scene made me laugh out loud with the contraceptive pill. I'm so sorry you didn't do more merry man stories with Steph.
Thank you for your work!

Kedves Alf! Imádtam a sztorit. Manny egy Doktor House jellegű szarkasztikus bunkó, aki eltévedt a saját fejében, Ranger csak eltévedt a saját életében, de azt nagyon. Steph pedig próbálgatja a szárnyait, és amikor együtt altatja a fiúkat, azon elsírtam magam a röhögéstől. Mellesleg Manny szakmailag nagyra van magával, de ha nincs Steph és John érdeklődése iránta, akkor esélytelen lett volna beépülni. Valahol sajnáltam Ranger-t, mert Steph és Manny gyorsan eljutottak a tökéletes házas illúzióig, de őszintén? Sok esélye volt, mindegyiket elcseszte és nem Morelli az egyetlen pasi Trentonban.
Még google fordítóval is nagyon élvezhető egy sorosaid vannak. A jelenet a fogamzásgátlóval toporzékolós röhögést váltott ki belőlem. Nagyon sajnálom, hogy nem írtál több merry man történetet Steph-fel.
Köszönöm a munkád!
4/3/2022 c13 Fuzz79
Rereading this story. I hate Manny and love him at the same time. I know lots of sorrow got him to this point with relationships . I so enjoy your writings. Thank you
4/7/2021 c28 ateam123
I loved this story. Loved the character growth.
10/16/2020 c28 kywildflower
Wow! This is a great story! Very well written!
7/25/2020 c16 Guest
U! 11 uuuy
7/24/2020 c28 HARVEY'S GIRL
Thank you! That was one of the best stories I've read. And I read a lot. You did good. You pulled every emotion from me and left me wanting more. Thank you so much. Reading this was a pleasure and a privilege.
6/10/2020 c27 1Fiarillo
Love me some Manny. Good job!
10/27/2019 c1 KrystalBright
Just had to reread this story, one of my favourites
1/31/2019 c1 Guest
I’m a total Babe but this was a great story! You are a very talented writer.
3/26/2018 c28 Fiarillo
It was good to read a story where the guy doesn't turn into a romantic mush.
2/17/2017 c28 Blistful2006
I love when you see a pairing where it's not all easy to get to the HEA as real life isn't t always rosy. I enjoyed watching their journey and that Steph side was pretty darn realistic for a commitment phobe and someone who has dealt with unfaithfulness. So sad to see it end as it so much about just being together and facing how her life is that I'd love to see. Very beautifully written.
12/5/2016 c28 PhillyGirl27
Alf, you created a wonderful tale of intrigue and romance. Your Manny was flawed and very real. Your Steph was affected and haunted by her past relationships. Thank you for showing us how true healing and growth can happen to make an adult satisfying marriage. -Kathy
11/3/2015 c28 brandyrennu
I have to say I really didn't like Manny in some parts of the story. He's the quiet one kind one in other stories. But you did a great job getting him to the place that I love him again. Can't wait to read more great job.
2/17/2014 c28 Guest
Whilst this story about Stephanie/Manny was a departure from your normal style, I found it a very compelling read. I enjoyed reading about their "adventures" from Manny's POV. I liked the premise of your story of a long term, deep cover op. The romantic in me, was quite pleased to have read their HEA. THANK YOU for such an incredible story of action/adventure/angst/romance. Cheers!
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