Just In
for Life For Rent

3/10/2020 c7 Guest
Funny that Severus keeps referring to Lily as a woman or seemingly more mature, but he considers Hermoine a young woman therefore less mature when in actuality, Lily was just about the same age Hermoine is now when she was murdered. Not to mention, Lily and his friendship ended when they were teenagers.

For her part, Hermione is attributing qualities to her ex that he clearly did not have.
12/20/2019 c31 ReylOHelloThere
This story was cute and I did enjoy the fact that they actually tried working through their problems instead of constantly fighting. That being said, I do think it went a bit long and was a bit boring at parts. You said too at one point such a fluffy story had no need to just go on and on. Thank you for your story.
12/8/2019 c10 10badadder1
this is fabulous but, I super hate thepage break. if your listening to it, it's sooooo irritating lol
12/8/2019 c31 EmeraldPhoenix1022
I absolutely loved this journey ! Thank you !
12/7/2019 c1 deedeebug
Well,your first hg/ss fic you say? Very good beginning and I am looking forward to more!
7/12/2019 c18 2Sab81790
Awww, I'm so glad they got through that hurdle...well at least for the time being. I like that they both acknowledged that yes, they will eventually talk about the war but no, now was not the right time.
7/12/2019 c15 Sab81790
I just adored this whole chapter! And that scene? Sooooo hot! but incredibly sweet too, hehe!
7/12/2019 c1 Sab81790
A very intriguing first chapter! The hurdle of Hermione already having a muggle boyfriend definitely makes things interesting, as do some of the stipulations in the law like muggleborns not being able to marry other muggleborns and only the ministry approved matches get free Hogwarts tuition, therefore actually encouraging people to be matched. Sounds very suspicious and makes me wonder if there is a someone or multiple someone's behind it and they have reasons that arnt just because of the population decline. Of course I could just be over thinking it, lol. Looking forward to seeing where things go.
3/2/2019 c24 Ayame
Ha, I knew the names Aliena and Caris but I couldn't recall where from. I read both books by Follett, they were great!
11/1/2018 c31 5LissaDream
I enjoyed thisthanks for writing!
9/21/2018 c31 robituputup
Lovely story! Thank you for the nice reading piece!
8/8/2018 c4 Guest
Yeah. Always be nice to your beta. Betareaders are very important.
8/8/2018 c2 Guest
I think she should tell him and either quit and have more time to find someone else or stay with him and find a solution with compromise like going to Australia, or similar compromises.
Nay, add some drama and make her tell him at the last possible moment and then they have an awful argument about it ;-)
6/28/2018 c18 Guest
Clearly anti hufflepuff. Rude
6/27/2018 c31 81tainted-tash
Omg when did the last chapter come up so soon? I thought I had another one to go *sobs* damn you for ending this. A great story!
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