Just In
for Life For Rent

6/19/2018 c14 81tainted-tash
Eeeep! This is so good!
6/19/2018 c13 tainted-tash
Be still my heart *sigh* so much sweetness! I'm rotting from the inside out
6/19/2018 c12 tainted-tash
Ooh la la! Excuse me while I skip straight to the next chapter!
6/19/2018 c11 tainted-tash
*melts* yah I'm mush now
6/18/2018 c10 tainted-tash
He had his chance and he blew it. Get a grip, boy.
6/17/2018 c9 tainted-tash
...heads gonna be a-rolling
6/17/2018 c8 tainted-tash
I love the sweetness
6/13/2018 c7 tainted-tash
Oooooh it's good so far! *fingers crossed*
6/9/2018 c6 tainted-tash
I love it when I'm not disappointed :D
6/9/2018 c5 tainted-tash
Ooh la la! I hope this goes well!
6/7/2018 c4 tainted-tash
Dun dun duuuuuuuun!
6/7/2018 c3 tainted-tash
Well at least the Ministry won't just pair people with any old fuddy duddy. Still...not nice at all to be forced to be with someone.
6/7/2018 c2 tainted-tash
...poor David *sigh* damn Ministry is always ruining things
6/6/2018 c1 tainted-tash
A great start!
5/24/2018 c31 Guest
I enjoyed your story very much.

Thank you for sharing.
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