Just In
for Guardian Angel

7/16/2011 c1 7Naruhina7799
I'm crying right now... It was just so sweet! X3 Kaoru is just that selfless kind of person, and you potrayed him so well.

Beautiful, short and sweet. I loved every word.
10/4/2010 c1 cyberangle
aawwww T^T

but this sounds like something he would say
10/1/2010 c1 215ChloboShoka
Love the way you describe Takami
5/29/2010 c1 1stimereader
Awwwwww! This story is soooooo sweet! kyaa!
5/16/2009 c1 3callalily1617
kaoru is just so sweet... and honey-senpai is so cute. and tamaki really is an idiot. and haruhi is just dense. but i love your fanfic. and its in my fave list now. :)
5/8/2009 c1 PseudoImp
'a' nonononono. as much as it was sweet and noble for kaoru to do that for hikaru, still, it is painful both to watch ( epi 21) and read about. =( but hey, awesome one-shot.^-^

i am, glad hikaru ran towards kaoru that time. Epi 21.^-^
5/8/2009 c1 22kezia12345
This is a really cute fic! It was so sweet and it did a great job with conveying the main idea without needing to be overly lengthy. Awesome work! :3
5/8/2009 c1 Guest
I loved this, it was really good. :) But I would've enjoyed HikaruxKaoru a lot. :D
5/8/2009 c1 25Thatzly
This was adorable and I felt really bad for Kao-chan. I really liked it and hope you write more fics like this. Especially since you seem to have a really good grasp on the characters.

Also, nice song choice~ I LOVE Red Jumpsuit Apparatus!
5/8/2009 c1 sunshine
aw, that was sad and cute

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