5/9/2009 c1 16Unleash The Shadow
... Nightwing's help for what? Escaping Shayera? xDD
... Totally gay. xDD 'The therapy I'll need.' Gotta love Dick xDD
... Nightwing's help for what? Escaping Shayera? xDD
... Totally gay. xDD 'The therapy I'll need.' Gotta love Dick xDD
5/9/2009 c1 47Kyer
Of course Bats is gay...Can't she see the ever-present smile lighting his face each morning? 0.0
Bats is just glowing with the gayness. Ask any BatFlash fan. 9.9
Humor helps the angst go down. *nods*
Of course Bats is gay...Can't she see the ever-present smile lighting his face each morning? 0.0
Bats is just glowing with the gayness. Ask any BatFlash fan. 9.9
Humor helps the angst go down. *nods*
5/9/2009 c1 108I
This was awesome. Very funny. The bit with Dick, Wally, and Shayera was so random, but great. I love how Shayera just bashed down the doors...
This was awesome. Very funny. The bit with Dick, Wally, and Shayera was so random, but great. I love how Shayera just bashed down the doors...
5/9/2009 c1 3DeletedAccountKCS
*inappropriate giggling* Ok, that is a little bizarre, even for Question. But YAY Dick Grayson! *loves*
And Huntress/Question! And random Shayera tantrum! And Batman being all brilliant and ticked off at the world in general! Every staple of the JLU in one lovely chapter. :)
Though I'd personally like to see Question's reaction to the "ask Huntress" question... *evil grin*
BTW, I'm going to be spending my evening watching Legacy; I remember Silicon Soul but want to refresh my STAS memory before reviewing your awesome new story. :)
*inappropriate giggling* Ok, that is a little bizarre, even for Question. But YAY Dick Grayson! *loves*
And Huntress/Question! And random Shayera tantrum! And Batman being all brilliant and ticked off at the world in general! Every staple of the JLU in one lovely chapter. :)
Though I'd personally like to see Question's reaction to the "ask Huntress" question... *evil grin*
BTW, I'm going to be spending my evening watching Legacy; I remember Silicon Soul but want to refresh my STAS memory before reviewing your awesome new story. :)