Just In
for Alien Rampage!

5/9/2009 c1 16Unleash The Shadow
... Nightwing's help for what? Escaping Shayera? xDD

... Totally gay. xDD 'The therapy I'll need.' Gotta love Dick xDD
5/9/2009 c1 47Kyer
Of course Bats is gay...Can't she see the ever-present smile lighting his face each morning? 0.0

Bats is just glowing with the gayness. Ask any BatFlash fan. 9.9

Humor helps the angst go down. *nods*
5/9/2009 c1 108I
This was awesome. Very funny. The bit with Dick, Wally, and Shayera was so random, but great. I love how Shayera just bashed down the doors...
5/9/2009 c1 3DeletedAccountKCS
*inappropriate giggling* Ok, that is a little bizarre, even for Question. But YAY Dick Grayson! *loves*

And Huntress/Question! And random Shayera tantrum! And Batman being all brilliant and ticked off at the world in general! Every staple of the JLU in one lovely chapter. :)

Though I'd personally like to see Question's reaction to the "ask Huntress" question... *evil grin*

BTW, I'm going to be spending my evening watching Legacy; I remember Silicon Soul but want to refresh my STAS memory before reviewing your awesome new story. :)
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