Just In
for Good Afternoon, Officer

8/11/2022 c1 Melese
Pft omg, yess get him!
7/3/2020 c1 jayhood
It's funny, and thank you for writing this, but ugh Bruce really assaulted Dick? While Dick was just doing his job? I hope Max will give him hell.
4/22/2020 c1 Flora
I loved how Dick sicked his friend on Bruce after Bruce decided to keep speeding and give Dick atitude.
3/23/2020 c1 10Bl00d-R4v3n
I don't laugh at many stories... But this was friggin hilarious.
10/27/2019 c1 NicKneecaps
9/19/2019 c1 Ailyn Vel
Absolute *best* thing I’ve read all day!
3/26/2019 c1 Ellie Jef
Haha. I love crack treated seriously.
Aye, get him Dick!
2/19/2019 c1 45Zena-Xina
I'm still trying to imagine how exactly he was pulled through the window lol but this was great. His cute tush lmao XD
11/22/2017 c1 Guest
Ahahahaha! Lmao, this was cute.
9/13/2017 c1 Guest
It was great!
8/19/2017 c1 12Tesla9
7/28/2017 c1 26Bright Anarchy
Loved this it was hilarious.
7/23/2017 c1 Guest
Hahaha omg I love this
6/25/2017 c1 1Monito
such a funny story great job!
2/25/2017 c1 WakandaKnights
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