Just In
for Good Afternoon, Officer

11/29/2012 c1 10mixxi
9/20/2012 c1 AgentWhimsi
Dick landed square on his cute little rear end in the gravel on the side of the road, face red and hair mussed, eyes on fire.

Lol really funny :)
8/29/2012 c1 7HRT
Aw, that was cute. Thanks for writing it.
7/25/2012 c1 darkangel795
I love this story. I've read it a few times now. Other readers who reviewed say that they really like the ending, which I'll admit was funny, but by far my favorite part was when Bruce stole Dick's gun and took it apart. It's such a simple thing but it's so symbolic. It's obvious one of the reasons Bruce doesn't want Dick to be an officer is because he's carrying around a gun... considering... yeah. Anyway, great story!
6/26/2012 c1 TheSkullHat
Hehe. Oh Dick. I love him. And Bruce. This is hilarious and awesome. XD

5/9/2012 c1 1Your Local Cow
Heeheehee! :D How did I NOT find this? I thought that there weren't many Officer Grayson stories. The site's searching system isn't very good Dx Google for the win!
4/28/2012 c1 33FifthDayOfMay
XD He took his sunglasses. Lol God they're funny.
4/8/2012 c1 TeamNoOne
I know this is an old story but I created an account just to review this. It's that good. I don't see quality writing like this very often in any fanfiction. This has it all: good writing, humor, and a compelling one-shot. I'm off to read more of your Batman stories. Thanks for the good read!
4/6/2012 c1 rE2HseCPtQ2dbut5U
Awesome story idea. Loved the character portrayal and the very plausible plotline. Great work!
1/14/2012 c1 6Sweevil to the Heart
I love Bruce and all, but go Dick!

~Sweevil Out!
12/30/2011 c1 skatingandcruzing
LOLS! Dick got pay back
11/14/2011 c1 45SubRosa7
Hilarious! Poor Dick!
11/12/2011 c1 Wherewolf
This is the funniest story I've ever read! I love the little joke a the beginning: called his first name by people who didn't know his first name. I had to think about that one for a minute. I especially liked the ending. He really should've listened to the warning!
4/6/2011 c1 17Agent ERA
Man, I'm grinning very hard(I'm in a library), this is hilarious! I think you should do a sequal of sorts...
3/23/2011 c1 1MostVerbose
That was really good! :D
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