Just In
for Good Afternoon, Officer

12/31/2010 c1 13Master Bleach
8/31/2010 c1 1Cassandra Chalice
This is well-written, and besides being very funny, it seems a plausible possibility in the life of BPD officer Grayson!
8/14/2010 c1 pat
Now that was funny
7/28/2010 c1 WakandaKnights
This is too funny! LOL! Bruce pulled him through the window, roughed him up, and kicked him back out of said window :) LOVE IT! Bruce is hilarious!
6/29/2010 c1 17bat-with-butterfly-wings
hahahahahaha great work!
5/15/2010 c1 7Lolchen
Ohhh, I sooo love this one! It's great! And funny. Can just imagine that actually happening comic-style. Or animated even. Would be funny. And Dick got back at Bruce xDDD Wonderful. I especially love the last few sentences. But this in total had me rofling anyway. How did you ever come up with this?

2/13/2010 c1 ZSG
"Thanks for the warning officer, have a nice day"
12/19/2009 c1 Just A Fan
That was just AWESOME! Great work!
10/12/2009 c1 5sylphxpression
Assualting a police officer... I'd say he's 51-50, wouldn't you? *smiles saccharinely*
9/27/2009 c1 Saphimire
This was really cute. :P I haven't read many Nightwing and Batman interactions, but this was really very cute. :3
9/22/2009 c1 10CosmicEssence
Hah that was class! To bad we didnt see Bruce's reaction a second time lol. Great going :)
8/29/2009 c1 4Princess613
7/24/2009 c1 18Nightwing Gurl
lmao! this is so hilarious! LOVED it! Bruce really shouldn't speed in Bludhaven! hehehehehe

6/30/2009 c1 107kirallie
Um...what happened in the car? Nice payback Dick
6/28/2009 c1 1Estrella85
Bwhahahahahahah ^_^ Absolutely loved the inside the car scene! Great one-shot :)
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