Just In
for Savior

3/26/2010 c6 2TESKATLIPOKA
I liked it,the best is the leader of destroyers,by the way is hse a pureblood?. Kepp up the good work and update soon. With regards, TESKATLIPOKA.
11/1/2009 c6 9lovestory034
please! please! please!

continu it! x3 !

for goodness' sake!

xD haha!

your story's AWSOME! I can't wait for your upload!

I love it!

kisses nD bites*

9/18/2009 c6 2amukay
Oh, dearest, I got your review and went onto your profile and noticed this story. I thought, oh I'll have a stab at it and see if its good and it was AMAZING!

Why have you been hiding this incredible talent? Obviously my favourite chapter was this one (Kaname and Yuuki together... *melts*) but your OCs are wonderful!

Please say you plan on continuing this?

Maddy xx
9/18/2009 c6 1ren-hatake
i would love to read another fantastic chapter of this story. please update if you have the time. it would be appreiciated.
9/4/2009 c2 Komiya
*clapping* that was great! i really enjoyed it! your vocabulary is impressive! i like the whole angel idea...its a nice twist! i just joined this site but i have been looking at alot of stories. yours is my favorite. im planning to write my first story soon... i would be honoured if you would read it. don`t worry no fluff added. actually it`s extremly bloody. and gruesome. sorry if you don`t like that sort of thing...(there`s no couple`s in it either, sorry...) but, anyway thankyou for writing your story! (sorry for my review being so long...) keep writing! :3
6/18/2009 c6 1catastrophe's muse
can't wait to hear more about Kristina. You know, she just may be coolest character in your story. THiS CHAPTER KICKED A WORD! Wow. That was lame. I should just say butt.

6/17/2009 c6 Littlestdancer
I dont really know /understand Vk but i know what is going on so I read them any ways. I like it its good. plz continue. Ilike ur ideas to.
5/28/2009 c3 1inperfection
So far I really like this story I am excited to read the next chapter.
5/24/2009 c2 2Acora78
Lol, avacodo ,my friend, me and teeny are your only fans. And it was only cause you reviewed this one story I was reading and I saw a certain little emote staring at me. How the heck did u do that? *stares in amazement* Well good chapter my friend. You are always so big on the solemnity though, even with angels. And where is the author's note? *sigh* you need some tutoring. *drags smartical friend by ear to teach her something she can't learn from her professor family* Wow, I wonder how long I can make this review. And Teeny, "I like that Kristina girl" lol. Why don't I get a character? *whines* U can have one in my story! Wait...u probably wouldn't want one cause I would make her do something perverted. Ah the possibilities of crack fics. Are u annoyed with me yet? Good grammar as expected :D. Back to the character thing. i could be an innocent little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. OR A PUPPY! Or... or... a tree? I dunno...Well that's all for tonight. ^_^
5/19/2009 c3 1catastrophe's muse
This is so good! Wildly impressed! I await your next chapter! Oh and I love this Kristina girl. She seems really cool. I always love the villains...

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