Just In
for Choices

7/1/2013 c12 4snow eopard
oh m yoga I'm am gonna strangle a blonde bimbo today
7/31/2011 c12 Beebahbeat
Please update.
4/2/2011 c12 Emma
I got an idea! Make the story so that lindsey meets the pack and she swoons over them and throws herself at embry and Paul and they are disgusted by her so Lindsey tubifex into the forest and victoria finds her and changes her and then Lindsey comes back with the newborn army to take revenge on Bella and the pack for not liking her...

Love ur story it fuckin awesome!

Contact me if u want me to elaborate on my idea at

Okay? So cool hope to read more of ur writing soon!
1/22/2011 c11 Blessed Belieber could you! I mean I love the story and all but couldn't you have made bella a little bit nicer 2 edward? You made her say 2 jacub that they were just friends right? So why can't you have bella treat edward like she treated jaaacuuub?
11/11/2009 c12 2twilightfanficreader
Wow! What a shocking story! I am like in shock.. I want to know what these visions are and if she right.. is that the reason she loves Jake?

hahah at the deal to let jake in the room - i love it!
11/11/2009 c11 twilightfanficreader
ohh la la.. in the bed with charlie downstairs! That is bold! I think you wrote that scene very tastefully 3 I love it!

btw, I am submitting this story to a forum for more people to read :) I think you deserve more reviews!

ok, back to the story- Lindsey is going to cause some hell, and I feel it.

I also enjoyed the little bit of rose and Ed.

And last but not least, I keep forgetting to commetn on the pov switch you did- I like it :)
11/11/2009 c10 twilightfanficreader
OH MY GOD YOU! What a shocking and great chapter! I bet your tired of me saying this? hm.. I need to google how to change up reviews :)

1. I can't believe he had condoms.. where was he taking her? and um.. why does he think he can get laid?

2. I love Edward.

3. What is she going to f'ing do?

arg... I need to stay up and read on!
11/11/2009 c9 twilightfanficreader
Alright so you have me really curious about the note. And I kind of don't like what Jacob did.. even though I did a little. I am begining to 3 Edward in this story. The way you are writing him is much better the SM.. I always thought of him ilke a whiny baby.. but not the one your writing~

much love for this story~
11/11/2009 c8 twilightfanficreader
Oh.. I enjoyed :) Great chapter.. I actually enjoyed Edward in this chapter. I want to know what is up his sleeve and I totally forgot about the cousin coming. I have no idea what is going to happen with that... a fiasco I bet!
11/11/2009 c7 twilightfanficreader
you had me at hello :)

This chapter was just.. a - may -zing! omg! I am so happy and giddy and can't wait to finish more work so I can get to the next chapter!

your an awesome writer- i love everything your doing in this. It is so real like the book and honest.. not fake!

Loves it!
11/11/2009 c6 twilightfanficreader
Well, you did an amazing job on this chapter.. so I hope you did good on those finals! (I know they are over but still!)

I am in love with that Jacob- I want a date and a psychic friend like this chapter.

I am actually surprised with the whole Edward thing.. I wonder if Jacob knows about thier agreed friendship? hm.

I know conflict will be risen soon.. I can feel it!
11/11/2009 c5 twilightfanficreader
:) AWE! I love the fluff! Keep it comming :)

Anywho.. I want to know what happened the night before! I bet Edward did something stupid. I can't read to see what happened.. and Bella's reactions!

I 3 B+J
11/11/2009 c4 twilightfanficreader
[: Wow! I love it! I am so happy that Bella isn't keeping Jacob in secret. I also can't believe how easily Edward backed down.. even though he wants her happy. It is actually cute. I also laughed at the end with the internal snark about how he was the one who left first.. I think you said payback? IDK, i just liked it!

This is helping me do my homework. Your writing is motivating me to finish a question, then I get to read another chapter !

11/11/2009 c3 twilightfanficreader
wow! I am so happy! i did not expect a kiss just yet and I got it :) ...well Bella did but you know! lol

I really thought it was Edward in the room, not Charlie and I was like OH NO - AWKWARD! But..obviously its Charlie ..whew...

Loved this chapter and thank you for being such a great writer!
11/11/2009 c2 twilightfanficreader

1. I love Alice in this story and the friendship that is still there.

2. I was shocked that Bella was going to the Cullens house...

3. Then relieved how she left him!

Again, you had me scrolling down for more more more! Great piece!
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