Just In
for Never knowing who we are

8/5/2015 c2 Guest
Oh my lord this is the cheesiest shit I have ever read lmao...Harry's "real" family is not Snape and Draco, It's James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius. Who tf does he bring back using the ressurection stone? That's right.
1/22/2012 c2 2Duky3110
this sounds absaloutly amazing i cant wait for it to be posted please post it soon or i will die of antisapation please post soon (= cant wait to read it
9/12/2011 c2 chocolateyes
Wow! This siunds great! Jaja I just sounded so cheesy jeje lol
6/28/2011 c2 12LarausLorraine
Seriously just write the fucken thing!
3/10/2011 c1 17Sev's Little girl
Hey, thanks for the review. I would of emailed you but i didn't get it. if you need a beta I know a few
11/8/2010 c2 320eKuRaN19
you're idea sounds great... i'll be looking forward for your writing...
6/11/2009 c2 njferrell
As these are my choices on the polls, I have to say I like it. Others may not, but, everyone won't agree on everything here anyway. Many think things should be just as they are in the books. But, this is Fanfiction, not the books and we are not here to read the books, nor do we want it to be identical to the books...that's plagarism..not to mention boreing!

I have no idea if you plan to use any of those things or if I was the only one to take the poll. But, I look forward to your story, regardless if it means they will be used or not. Thanks.

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