Just In
for RuneMaster

10/2 c18 WhatHaveIDiscovered
This was a fun read. You have some cool magic in here with the runes and Harry's projects. And that's a heck of an epilogue! Well done overall, and thanks for sharing!
8/26 c18 Books85
Hurrah! This was a lot of fun to read. Not quite over-powered Harry, but still very competent. Plus, a new and rather different explanation of Runes as a magical field of study.

Thank you!
8/16 c14 14Freddie Rindklip
Riling up Snape is a good Chapter name.
8/5 c18 dolph25
One of my favorites! I lost count how many times I have read it. Thanks!
8/3 c1 halemd10
Your story seems to be Pirated onto the AO3 site under author name: SpiritDamnation
8/3 c18 halemd10
Awesome that's the best ending Ever!
7/26 c18 Ian Norsvager
I love coming back and rereading this story. I've read it many times, and it's always a favorite of mine. I have memory issues, so its almost like new each time I come back to it. Thank you.
6/29 c5 Molenir
Canon with a Runes twist. Seriously, might as well read the books then this. Its less annoying.
6/11 c18 embracethebright
4/10 c2 Millie072
Have read this innumerable times and still find new things. Ron was stiff from sitting on the dungeon. Why didn't he cast a warming charm? Most likely Hermione or Harry could have taught him if needed. Sirius' comment about Dumbledore letting Harry live with him. Sirius is free, doesn't his godfather status resume, giving him custody of Harry? There is no mention of a delay to allow Sirius to heal from Azkaban or need of medical treatment. If that were required, there is still close to six months recuperation time.
4/2 c18 odonnellzoo99
This was a lot of fun to read again. A very good story.
4/1 c9 odonnellzoo99
Post-Impero Shock Syndrome!?
That’s awesome.
3/29 c7 wujuninja
3/27 c1 arkhaamknight
That whole scene in the first chapter of harry telling off the twins is really off putting. Its wrong for the character. Its the content, ideas and wisdom that an adult has not a 14yr old. Itd do better with harry just asking them questions about why they do what they do, until the twins come to the realization themselves.
3/24 c6 vswey
teying to like this as it seems to have lots of favs/follows. that said, you really need to do two or three editing passes. pretty unreadable at the moment
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