Just In
for Le'go I'm Prego

9/2/2009 c7 10SlupinLoveARCHIVED
OMG I 3 it! YEA!
8/24/2009 c7 30xoxcrescentmoonxox
Lol! My favorite was the one with Harry and little James :)
8/1/2009 c1 10lizzyathogwarts
omg! i didn't know that you were the one that wrote this story! this is my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY! i love your stories!
6/22/2009 c3 2ApplePie777
haha. she actually was "preggo" this time...

*Pie to the izzle*
6/22/2009 c2 ApplePie777
haha, LOL! it always works!

*Pie to the izzle*
6/22/2009 c1 ApplePie777
LOL! funny image, funny image!

6/5/2009 c7 Siriusmunchkin
That was different.
6/5/2009 c6 Siriusmunchkin
Interesting. Funny. Very strange.

Strange is good.
6/5/2009 c5 Siriusmunchkin
Fun stuff. I like the ending.
6/5/2009 c3 Siriusmunchkin
Laughing hysterically
6/5/2009 c2 Siriusmunchkin
Very cute
6/5/2009 c1 Siriusmunchkin
Strange but funny
6/3/2009 c5 somerdayewhoistoolazytologin
I read all the chapters and promptly proceeded to laugh my ass off.

However, in this chapter, when Luna said "And it’s a good thing nargles don’t hurt those who are pregnant. Man, or Woman." I just pictured that line from the Chronicles of Narnia where it's like "Be you vegetable, mineral, or animal?" And I laughed harder.
6/2/2009 c7 3Caitlinxsnuffles
I love this story it's so funny. Keep up the good work!
5/31/2009 c7 1Apocalyptic Carnage
i died of laughter!

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