Just In
for Seven Sins

5/21/2011 c1 kawaii.little.neko-girl
I loved the ending x3

huggies and kisses!
6/21/2010 c1 1DescendantoftheRose
This was really good. You had a few grammar mistakes(very few though, hardly worth mentioning ^^) but it was an amazingly well done fic for kuroshitsuji ^^ ~! Oh and did you know that they're now linking the term fujiyoshi with kuroshitsuji? I mean, i can see why but it's kinda mean T-T. Ahem *cough* well... on to the rest of this review! Well, i loved the cute ending and was sebby-chan gaining feelings for his little bocchan? Now I'm curios about the request! -_-' Overall great story and i hope to see more kuroshitsuji fics from you~!

~Rose-chan ^^
3/18/2010 c1 41Ashimattack
nice story


i like the idea, i actually attempted the same thing (with fma though) a while ago

but it somehow just ended up depressing lol

oh well,


1/4/2010 c1 3colorful passion
I adore the end "yeah whatever.." from Ciel hahaha -sigh- its fics like this I was under contract with some demon
11/4/2009 c1 29minkledink
I liked it! I think the whole "seven deadly sins" thing was a good theme for a Kuro fic...I especially like where I think lust led. XD
6/19/2009 c1 Snowcrowe
I could never picture Ciel and Sebby cuddling...or sharing a bed for one matter. it was nicely written! I loved the seven sins part clever clever
6/19/2009 c1 2shadowninja-yuna
Love how this related Sebastian and Ciel to the sins yet was tastefully done. :D Good job!
5/31/2009 c1 pandamaestro
wow. id like to know what "request" it was../.. in full detail.

5/31/2009 c1 23inmemoryoftheMasterRapper
loved it~ XD
5/30/2009 c1 17Doctor Faustus
I like the concept of 7 sins encapsulated in a fic. The story was quite nicely detailed, but perhaps needed a little more editing since there are quite a number of grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Other than that, I liked it. =)

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