Just In
for After

12/5/2015 c4 LyricalWisdom
Love it waiting for more!
11/12/2015 c4 Cotton Blossom Diva
I'm totally enjoying your storyline! Please continue!
8/30/2015 c2 Guest
You should totally continue this are a very talented writer. So pretty please with cherries please finish this story
4/12/2015 c4 1tanilc
Great story. I hope it gets finished some day
4/2/2015 c1 rbuntz
Another good read, tyvm.
8/26/2014 c3 CeilidhStewart
I do love your writing style. Are you sure you don't want to finish this?
6/21/2014 c4 2Idon'twriteIleak
Really good story! Is that the end? I mean there is minimal closure, but it still leaves you hanging. I would love to read more!
11/8/2013 c4 CeilidhStewart
I wish you'd finish this. Please? :(
7/25/2013 c4 kungfupandabear
Is it over? I love this! It so good!
9/10/2012 c4 16ROGUEFURY
Fascinating story. Most post-apocalyptic stories in this fandom are just over the top crazy action. This is very riveting yet understated. I can't wait to read more!

6/23/2011 c4 2LanaJoy
"I been shot more times than I like to think about, a few tears ain't gonna do any damage" - what is it with guys comparing getting shot to listening to a woman cry? (HAHA)

Are you going to post more? I'm still learning these characters, but it seems interesting to me and makes me hungry as hell...

I would like to see what happens. :D
6/23/2011 c3 LanaJoy
I feel for this goat... I have a bad feeling for the goat... :)
6/23/2011 c1 LanaJoy
Have I told you that your descriptive writing is really fantastic? Is it wrong for me to want to eat stew and sit in a hot bath? Because they both sounded so nice... why not put them together?
4/8/2011 c4 Ethedriell
please write
1/13/2011 c4 1peacewithinchaos
I really like this story so far. Very interesting and original set up! I see that you haven't updated in a while, are you still planing on finishing it?
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