Just In
for Dark Side of the Moon

2/22/2019 c6 Guest
OMG. it's amazing
10/11/2017 c2 Krystaltheelemental
love it
5/23/2017 c5 Krystaltheelemental
'For letting her dye inside'? I don't think she can dye her insides
5/23/2017 c2 Krystaltheelemental
4/8/2017 c6 Krystaltheelemental
But Please uPdATe
4/8/2017 c6 Krystaltheelemental
I'll do it!
3/14/2016 c5 TOTALLYCOOL3257
Oh, gods, you just made me cry so hard, I used up a whole box of Kleenexes. This is an achingly amazing story about sacrifice and love written in gorgeous and touching prose. A truly heartfelt story.
2/5/2015 c6 abadoski
Please continue its a great story and I want it see where it goes..
6/25/2014 c6 om9
WHAT THE FUCK!? ILL GET SPIES AND ME (YOU BETTER BE SCARED OF ME MORE THAN THEM) AND STALK YOU AND MAKE A GRUESOME DEATH AND PUT A TORCH THAT SAYS "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEM YOU DONT UPDATE SOON. *evilest laugh in the world* DEATH! So hurry the fuck up and fucking UPDATE!? *creepy breath with I will kil u physco maniac face* I will do it. IT iS MOTHERFUCKING 2014!
8/26/2013 c6 DeathBunny
PLEASE update! Love the story plot.
2/5/2013 c6 Guest
Okay missy enough laziness you promised to update over two fucking years ago and i know you are aware of this review cause i checked your favorite stories some are 2012 dated so you still do fanfiction get on with it
1/1/2013 c6 1Angelos-Ouranos
this is a really good story plz plz plz update asap plz this is such a awesome story :)
10/28/2012 c6 Guest
6/14/2012 c6 8LeaderoftheOutcasts
Ill edit for you emails
11/28/2011 c6 2CloudTay
It's great story. (:

You should try to update.
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