Just In
for Don't You Know I've Always Loved You?

10/9/2013 c10 2sunshineforever13
Love it! Please continue!
3/28/2010 c10 10poeticandvaguelysweet
L-O-V-E it
11/16/2009 c10 11AlabamaBound
I love this story! I love how you've managed to keep both of them in character. I can't wait to read what happens next!
8/14/2009 c10 36StarlightNinjaThief
please continue, i love this
8/13/2009 c10 48Bryn Elizabeth
Ooh. Brennan at church. That shall be... Interesting.
8/10/2009 c10 70DaLiza
Loved Booth's "I want to build a relationship on more than just physical attraction. Any man can recognize your beauty, but I want to love you for yourself." Cute chap!
8/10/2009 c10 1ImLovely
I love this story so much! You're doing an awesome job, I can't wait to read more! :)
8/10/2009 c10 14irishleesh93
Booth doing yoga lol and Brennan at church :O that should be


great chapter
8/10/2009 c10 cyn23
hey, great new chapter, i really like it
8/10/2009 c10 3Strife's LMNT
great compromise. can't wait for the next chapter!
8/10/2009 c10 ILoveBooth
I would pay to see Booth doing yoga!

Loved this chapter, it made me smile :)
8/9/2009 c9 3ObstinateHeadstrongWoman
ah this is so cute! is bones expecting multiples? just a hunch. please update again soon!
8/6/2009 c9 sonitera
i wish booth luck with the marriage thing with brennan!

good job
8/5/2009 c9 jacklynvt11
That was a very sweet chapter. I absolutely loved the church scene. Terrific job. :)
8/5/2009 c9 3Strife's LMNT
that was too cute! i hope the real show goes in this direction. keep up the good work!
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