Just In
for Of Love and Trust

11/29/2022 c27 1softqirls
2/24/2017 c27 Guest
5/29/2016 c27 1Shuuwai
Ohhh Chase, I have a feeling you won't tell Cameron :/
8/4/2015 c27 Andy
Also i know how painful is to lose a baby not because of i lose, because i saw my parents lose one when i was young, but some years past and they tried again and everythings was normal during all that.
8/4/2015 c27 Andy
Hey! Continue this! I want to know what happends next! Will Chase tell her? Will Cameron forgive him? I've been waiting for years!
12/25/2014 c27 1OurShipsSailThemselves
Im crying this is just too good
4/24/2014 c1 Evidence Murderer
Fiction MA, adult content with explicit sexual or violent situations, is not allowed on FFn. Please take down "Of Love and Trust" and repost on another site or censor adult content. (If you don't know where to post it, Archive Of Our Own allows these types of works.)
9/2/2012 c27 BrittanyLS
Please tell me you continued this! I would love see read more! I love Cameron and Chase together and would like to know how they moved past this!
12/24/2010 c27 Valeria
Hello there,

I can tell that you like reviews, so here is one from Peru!

I started reading your fic and I can´t believe you stopped in "Guilt"

Please write soon, I´m going to DIE

Here you have a great fan

Write you later ;)
3/18/2010 c27 3WhiteCamellia
I'm really liking this! I hope you decide to continue! =)
10/23/2009 c27 AllieCameronChase
We need chap. 28! Aw, I love this so much and I can't wait anymore! ^^ Yeah, I'm bit crazy today...

Oh, (I don't understand why I'm telling this but...) my teacher was standing behind me when I started to write this review and he said that I should say "hi" to also from him so now you know. He's weird sometimes...

But yeah, English isn't my first language and I knw you have noticed that, but I'm still trying here! :)
10/18/2009 c27 3justamomentofclarity
PLEASE UPDATE! I miss this story so much! Especially with all the Cameron/Chase scenes they've been having on House! Please PLEASE update soon!
10/10/2009 c27 2LillyHalliwell
Extreme shock towards the end. IS that bed still going on?
10/4/2009 c27 13Girlz-Rule
wow, they really have problems don't they? lol. great new chapter, update soon:D
9/21/2009 c26 AllieCameronChase
I think, he should tell her :) because if he don't and she will find out later, it will be worst. (my English sucks again)
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