Just In
for New Beginnings

7/11/2007 c8 Musical Mimi
that was funny!
11/22/2005 c8 3Dark Angel Shadow
please update soon
8/25/2004 c3 DemonessVampress
bleah ur story is alright but it's pretty generic and it hardely makes any sense...sorry for being a hardass, but i'm pretty opinionated and a critical bitch when it comez to art, literature, moviez, and creative writing...anyway ignore my review

PS: u should have gone for usagi/Zechs *just bcuz he's way hotter* like i said ignore me i'm a dumass
5/12/2002 c8 Angel Princess Serenity too lazy to click the sign in button
^^ lol loved it!
5/7/2002 c8 6silver-tiger11
Very discriptive in your last chapter with Usagi's outfit. I love that! Uh a little jumpy around with the timelines though. You know, the wedding and all. I can understand writers block however, you did a great job on this!
4/30/2002 c8 6Miss Cellanie
Her water broke? That means she was pregnant and that means they had "made love" before getting married! Wellz, whatevaz! Good final chapter and I hope you liked my reviews! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c7 Miss Cellanie
Need to write more reviews... Anyhoo, good description of the dresses and I liked how Relena was knocked unconscious and broke her nose and stuff! Great Job! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c6 Miss Cellanie
KILL RELENA! KILL RELENA! YEAH! Good chapter and great imitation or the "banshee wail"! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c5 Miss Cellanie
It's become Heero/Usagi-centered! Whoa, I never expected that! But good chapter! Got to read the next one! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c3 Miss Cellanie
HeHe.. Heyaz! I'm back already! I'm just reviewin so many times for fun! But anyhoo, great chapter! *and good job on the kiss!* Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c2 Miss Cellanie
Dang, Usagi seemed OOC! But whatevas, I do that sometimes in my story too! Really good chapter! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c1 Miss Cellanie
Heyaz! I realy like the first chapter and how you made them all children! *kawaii!* ^.~ Anyhoo, g2 read the next chapter! Ja Ne!
4/30/2002 c8 3Saturnpyroprincess
So good I loved the ending so very creative definitly not what i ws thinking was the end but still good. make another story and maybe for this one you would make it longer and at a slower pace but i still love this story JA NE
4/30/2002 c8 till-iburnout
The ending was funny!
4/30/2002 c8 6SarahSnape
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Poor Hiiro! lol :::falls on floor in fits of laughter::: I love this story!
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